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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, B, L and 2T

ABETTALabettal n. (Rare) abetment.
ABETTAL n. the act of abetting, also ABETMENT.
ABUTTALabuttal n. (Rare, plural only) The butting or boundary of land, particularly at the end; buttals.
abuttal n. An abutment.
abuttal n. The act of abutting.
BATLETSbatlets n. Plural of batlet.
BATLET n. a wooden mallet for beating clothes, also BATLER.
BATTELSbattels n. Plural of battel.
battels n. (Obsolete, UK, school slang) A small sum of money given to pupils.
BATTEL v. to have an account for kitchen provisions.
BATTILLBATTILL v. to make fertile, also BATTEL, BATTLE.
BATTILYbattily adv. In a batty manner.
BATTY adv. (colloquial) crazy.
BATTLEDbattled v. Simple past tense and past participle of battle.
battled adj. (Poetic, archaic) Battlemented.
battled adj. (Heraldry) Embattled.
BATTLERbattler n. One who wages battle against an enemy; a soldier; a general.
battler n. (Australia, dated) An itinerant worker or unemployed person.
battler n. One who works hard in the face of adversity.
BATTLESbattles n. Plural of battle.
battles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of battle.
BATTLE v. to fight.
BLATANTblatant adj. Obvious, on show; unashamed; loudly obtrusive or offensive.
blatant adj. (Archaic) Bellowing; disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly.
BLATANT adj. offensively obvious, also BLATTANT.
BLATESTblatest adj. Superlative form of blate: most blate.
BLATE adj. (Scots) timidly awkward, bashful.
BLATTEDblatted v. Simple past tense and past participle of blat.
BLAT v. to bleat, cry like a sheep.
BLATTERblatter n. Blather; foolish talk.
blatter n. A sound of rapid motion.
blatter v. (Intransitive) To blather.
BRATTLEbrattle v. (Intransitive) To rattle; to make a scampering noise.
BRATTLE v. (Scots) to rush noisily.
BUTTALSbuttals n. Plural of buttal.
BUTTALS n. boundary lines.
TABLETStablets n. Plural of tablet.
TABLET v. to write on a small flat surface.
TALBOTStalbots n. Plural of talbot.
TALBOT n. a broad-mouthed, large-eared hound, now extinct.
TOTABLEtotable adj. Capable of being toted, or carried around; portable.
TOTABLE adj. capable of being toted, also TOTEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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