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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, B, I, L and P

BIOPLAYBIOPLAY n. a play based on the life of a famous person, esp. one giving a popular treatment.
BIPEDALbipedal adj. Having two feet or two legs; biped.
bipedal adj. Pertaining to a biped.
BIPEDAL adj. having two feet.
BIPLANEbiplane adj. Composed of, or relating to, two planes (flat surfaces extending infinitely in all directions).
biplane adj. (Aviation) Having, or consisting of, two superposed planes, aerocurves, etc.
biplane n. (Aviation) An airplane that has two main wings, one above the other and supported by struts.
BIPOLARbipolar adj. Involving or having both extremes or poles at the same time.
bipolar adj. Relating to both polar regions.
bipolar adj. (Physics) Relating to a bipole.
PARBOILparboil v. To boil food briefly so that it is partly cooked.
PARBOIL v. to cook partially by boiling for a short time.
PATIBLEpatible adj. Able to suffer; passible.
patible adj. Capable of being suffered; tolerable, endurable.
PATIBLE adj. capable of suffering or being acted on, also PASSIBLE.
PIEBALDpiebald adj. (Also used figuratively) Spotted or blotched, especially in black and white.
piebald adj. (Figuratively) Of mixed character, heterogeneous.
piebald n. An animal with piebald coloration.
PINBALLpinball n. (Games) A game, played on a device with a sloping base, in which the player operates a spring-loaded…
pinball n. The ball used in pinball.
pinball n. (Figuratively, soccer) A situation where a ball is frantically kicked between many players.
PLIABLEpliable adj. Soft, flexible, easily bent, formed, shaped, or molded.
pliable adj. Easily persuaded; yielding to influence.
PLIABLE adj. easily bent.
PLIABLYpliably adv. In a pliable manner.
PLIABLE adv. easily bent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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