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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, B, I, K and N

BACKINGbacking n. Support, especially financial.
backing n. A liner or other material added behind or underneath.
backing n. (Television, film) A backdrop.
BAKINGSbakings n. Plural of baking.
BAKING n. the process by which bread is baked.
BALKINGbalking v. Present participle of balk.
balking n. A frustration or disappointment; a check.
BALKING n. the act of balking.
BANKINGbanking n. The business of managing a bank.
banking n. The occupation of managing or working in a bank.
banking n. (Finance) Investment banking.
BANKITSBANKIT n. a raised sidewalk.
BANKSIAbanksia n. A plant belonging to the genus Banksia.
Banksia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Proteaceae – the banksias, with characteristic flower spikes and…
BANKSIA n. an evergreen, flowering shrub, native to Australia.
BARKINGbarking v. Present participle of bark.
barking adj. (British slang) Clipping of barking mad.
barking n. The action of the verb to bark.
BARMKINbarmkin n. (Obsolete) The battlement on the exterior fortification of a castle in northern England and parts of…
BARMKIN n. (archaic) a battlement or turret on the outer wall of a castle.
BASKINGbasking v. Present participle of bask.
basking n. The act of one who basks.
BASK v. to relax in pleasant warmth.
BAUKINGBAUK v. to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAULK.
BAWDKINbawdkin n. Alternative form of baldacchin.
BAWDKIN n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHIN, BALDACHINO, BALDAQUIN, BAUDEKIN.
BEATNIKbeatnik n. A person who dresses in a manner that is not socially acceptable and is supposed to reject conventional…
beatnik n. A person associated with the Beat Generation of the 1950s and 1960s or its style.
BEATNIK n. a member of the beat generation.
BIOBANKbiobank n. (Biology) Any of several types of repository of biological material (e.g. seeds) or information (e.g. DNA).
biobank v. (Biology, transitive) To store (biological material) in a biobank.
BIOBANK n. any large store of human biological samples for research into the genetic and environmental causes of diseases.
BLANKIEblankie n. (Childish, informal) A blanket, especially one used as a security blanket.
BLANKIE n. a child's blanket, also BLANKY.
BOAKINGboaking v. Present participle of boak.
BOAK v. (dialect) to belch, vomit, also BOKE, BOCK.
BRAKINGbraking v. Present participle of brake.
braking n. The act of applying brakes.
BRAKING n. the act of applying a brake.
FINBACKfinback n. A large baleen whale, Balaenoptera physalus, that has a ridge on its back; the fin whale.
FINBACK n. a type of whale characterized by a prominent fin on the back, aka rorqual, also FINFISH, FINNER.
IKEBANAikebana n. The Japanese art of flower arrangement.
ikebana n. An arrangement of flowers in this style.
IKEBANA n. (Japanese) the art of formal flower arrangement.
INBREAKinbreak v. (Transitive) To break in; break into; make an incursion into; insert into; interrupt.
inbreak n. A sudden violent inroad or incursion; an irruption.
INBREAK n. a violent rush in.
LAMBKINlambkin n. A young lamb, a very young sheep.
lambkin n. A term of endearment.
LAMBKIN n. a small lamb, also LAMBIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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