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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, B, H, N and R

ABHENRYabhenry n. (Dated, physics) A unit of inductance equal to one billionth (1 x 10-9) of a henry, used in the centimeter-gram-second…
ABHENRY n. a unit of inductance, the property of inducing an electromotive force by variation of current in a circuit.
BARCHANbarchan n. An arc-shaped sand ridge comprising well-sorted sand.
BARCHAN n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN, BARCHANE, BARKAN.
BARKHANbarkhan n. Alternative spelling of barchan.
BARKHAN n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARCHAN, BARCHANE, BARKAN.
BHANGRAbhangra n. A lively style of music originating from India.
bhangra n. A traditional Punjabi folk dance, originally a celebration of the harvest.
bhangra n. Any of various modern Punjabi dance styles of the 1950s and 1990s.
BODHRANbodhran n. A type of frame drum used in Irish music which was traditionally played by being struck with an animal…
BODHRAN n. (Irish) a shallow one-sided drum used in Gaelic music.
BRAHMANbrahman n. Alternative form of brahmin (member of the Hindu priestly class).
Brahman n. A breed of beef cattle from India with a hump on the shoulder.
Brahman n. (Dated) A Brahmin.
BRAHMINbrahmin n. A member of the Hindu priestly caste, one of the four varnas or social groups based on occupation in…
brahmin n. One who has realized or attempts to realize Brahman, i.e. God or supreme knowledge.
brahmin n. A scholar, teacher, priest, intellectual, researcher, scientist, knowledge-seeker, or knowledge worker.
BRANCHYbranchy adj. Having many branches.
branchy adj. Tending to branch frequently.
BRANCHY adj. having many branches.
BRAUNCHbraunch n. Obsolete form of branch.
braunch v. Obsolete form of branch.
BRAUNCH v. to spread like a tree branch, also BRANCH.
BRECHANBRECHAN n. (Scots) a horse-collar, also BRECHAM.
BROCHANBROCHAN n. (Gaelic) gruel, porridge.
HAGBORNhagborn adj. (Archaic) Born of a hag or witch.
HAGBORN adj. born of a witch.
HORNBAGhornbag n. (Australia, slang) A person who is very sexually attractive.
HORNBAG n. (offensive Australian slang) a promiscuous woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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