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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, B, H, N and O

BHOONASbhoonas n. Plural of bhoona.
BHOONA n. a dish sauteed in oil and a mix of spices, also BHUNA.
BODHRANbodhran n. A type of frame drum used in Irish music which was traditionally played by being struck with an animal…
BODHRAN n. (Irish) a shallow one-sided drum used in Gaelic music.
BONHAMSbonhams n. Plural of bonham.
Bonhams prop.n. Plural of Bonham.
BONHAM n. (Irish) a piglet.
BOTHANSBOTHAN n. (Gaelic) a booth, a hut.
BROCHANBROCHAN n. (Gaelic) gruel, porridge.
HAGBORNhagborn adj. (Archaic) Born of a hag or witch.
HAGBORN adj. born of a witch.
HAMBONEhambone n. The bone at the center of a ham.
hambone n. (US slang, acting) A ham; an eager or inferior performer.
hambone n. (Music, dance) A certain type of dance that involves making noise with the body, especially by slapping…
HANDJOBhandjob n. Alternative spelling of hand job.
hand␣job n. (Slang) The act of stimulating someone’s penis or scrotum by someone else’s hand.
HANDJOB n. (vulgar) an act of manually stimulating the penis of another person.
HEBONASHEBONA n. anything with a poisonous juice, also HEBENON.
HOBNAILhobnail n. A short nail with a thick head, typically used in boot soles.
hobnail n. (Obsolete) A clownish person; a rustic.
hobnail v. To fit with hobnails.
HORNBAGhornbag n. (Australia, slang) A person who is very sexually attractive.
HORNBAG n. (offensive Australian slang) a promiscuous woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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