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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, B, G and 2O

BARGOONbargoon adj. (Canada, slang) cheap; discount.
BARGOON n. (Canadian slang) a bargain.
BOGOAKSbog␣oaks n. Plural of bog oak.
BOGOAK n. trunks of oak embedded in bogs and so preserved from decay.
BOLOGNAbologna n. A seasoned Italian sausage made from beef, pork or veal.
bologna n. Synonym of baloney (nonsense).
Bologna prop.n. A province of Emilia-Romagna, Italy.
BOOKBAGbookbag n. A bag for holding books for school.
BOOKBAG n. a bag for carrying books.
BOTARGObotargo n. Bottarga; a cake or sausage made from salted mullet roe.
BOTARGO n. (Italian) a type of relish made from mullet roe.
BUGABOObugaboo n. Alternative spelling of bug-a-boo.
bug-a-boo n. A mythical, nocturnal creature; a hobgoblin.
bug-a-boo n. Any imagined fear or threat, or a fear presumed larger than it really is.
FOOTBAGfootbag n. (Countable) A small beanbag or sandbag used as a ball in a number of sports and games. It is typically…
footbag n. (Uncountable) Any of the sports that use the footbag.
FOOTBAG n. a small bag filled with pellets that is kept aloft with the feet.
GABOONSgaboons n. Alternative form of goboons; plural of gaboon.
Gaboons n. Plural of Gaboon.
GABOON n. a West African hardwood.
GOOMBAHgoombah n. (US, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) A person of Italian descent (often implies the person is connected…
goombah n. (US, slang) A companion, pal, close friend, or associate, especially among Italian-American men. It…
goombah n. Alternative form of gumbe, a Jamaican drum.
GOOMBAYgoombay n. (Music, dance, Bahamas, countable) A type of traditional Bahamian drum.
goombay n. (Music, dance, Bahamas, uncountable) A genre of folk music played with this drum.
goombay n. (Music, dance, Bahamas) A dance associated with this music genre.
TOOLBAGtoolbag n. A bag used to carry tools.
toolbag n. (North America, slang, derogatory) A tool or jerk; an obnoxious person.
TOOLBAG n. a container for tools.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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