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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, B, G, H and O

ABOUGHTabought v. Simple past tense and past participle of aby.
ABYE v. (archaic) to pay the penalty for, also ABY.
BEGORAHbegorah interj. (Ireland) Alternative spelling of begorra.
BEGORAH interj. (Irish) an interjection attributed to Irish speakers, by God, also BEGORRA, BEGORRAH.
BOGHEADBOGHEAD adj. as in boghead coal, a variety of coal from which paraffin oil can be derived, aka torbanite.
GOOMBAHgoombah n. (US, slang, derogatory, ethnic slur) A person of Italian descent (often implies the person is connected…
goombah n. (US, slang) A companion, pal, close friend, or associate, especially among Italian-American men. It…
goombah n. Alternative form of gumbe, a Jamaican drum.
HAGBOLTHAGBOLT n. a sea bird, the greater shearwater, also HACKBOLT, HAGDEN, HAGDON, HAGDOWN.
HAGBORNhagborn adj. (Archaic) Born of a hag or witch.
HAGBORN adj. born of a witch.
HOGBACKhogback n. (Geology) A sharp steep-sided ridge formed by the erosion of tilting strata.
hogback n. A hogframe.
hogback n. A Viking grave marker taking the form of a recumbent monument, generally with a curved (hogbacked) ridge…
HORNBAGhornbag n. (Australia, slang) A person who is very sexually attractive.
HORNBAG n. (offensive Australian slang) a promiscuous woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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