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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, B, E, H and I

BABICHEbabiche n. (North America) Thong(s) of rawhide or sinew used as cord, lacing, or webbing, in the manufacture of…
BABICHE n. (French) a thong or lace made of rawhide.
BANSHIEbanshie n. Dated form of banshee.
BANSHIE n. (Irish) in Irish folklore, a female spirit who wails and shrieks before the death of a member of a family, also BANSHEE.
BEAMISHbeamish adj. (Nonce word) Radiantly beaming; happy; cheerful.
Beamish prop.n. A surname from Norman.
Beamish prop.n. A village in County Durham, England (OS grid ref NZ2253).
BEARISHbearish adj. Resembling or likened to a bear, typically in being rough, surly, or clumsy.
bearish adj. (Stock market, of the price of financial instruments) Characterized by falling prices.
bearish adj. (By extension) Pessimistic about the future.
BEAUISHbeauish adj. Like a beau; characteristic of a beau; foppish; fine.
BEAUISH adj. like a beau, foppish.
BIACHESbiaches n. Plural of biach.
BIACH n. (slang) a bitch, also BIATCH, BITCH.
BIGHEADbighead n. (Countable, colloquial, especially used by children) A person having an inflated opinion of himself;…
bighead n. (Countable, colloquial) Any of several species of fish having a large head.
bighead n. (Uncountable, colloquial) Any of several animal diseases that cause swelling of the head.
BOHEMIAbohemia n. Alternative letter-case form of Bohemia.
Bohemia prop.n. A region in the west of the former Czechoslovakia and present-day Czech Republic.
Bohemia n. A community of bohemians, unconventional artists or writers.
HABITEDhabited v. Simple past tense and past participle of habit.
habited adj. Dressed in a habit.
habited adj. Clothed.
HABITUEhabitue n. Alternative spelling of habitué.
habitué n. One who frequents a place.
habitué n. A devotee.
HIDABLEhidable adj. Alternative form of hideable.
HIDABLE adj. able to be hidden.
HIRABLEhirable adj. Able to be hired.
HIRABLE adj. available for hire, also HIREABLE.
IMBATHEimbathe v. Obsolete form of embathe.
IMBATHE v. (archaic) to bathe, also EMBATHE.
ZABTIEHzabtieh n. Alternative form of zaptieh.
ZABTIEH n. (Turkish) a Turkish policeman, also ZAPTIAH, ZAPTIEH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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