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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, B, D, L and Y

AUDIBLYaudibly adv. In context of possibility of being heard; in an audible manner.
AUDIBLY adv. able to be heard.
BAWDILYbawdily adv. In a bawdy manner; lewdly or obscenely with humorous intent.
BAWDY adv. obscene.
BEADILYbeadily adv. (Usually of a look) in an avaricious or penetrating manner.
BEADY adv. resembling beads.
BELAYEDbelayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of belay.
BELAY v. to fasten a rope.
BLANDLYblandly adv. In a bland manner.
BLAND adv. neutral-tasting, insipid.
BROADLYbroadly adv. Widely and openly.
broadly adv. In a wide manner; liberally; in a loose sense.
BROAD adv. broad.
BYRLADYbyrlady interj. (Obsolete) Used as an exclamation of surprise or anger.
BYRLADY interj. (archaic) a mediaeval oath, by Our Lady, also BYRLAKIN.
DRYABLEdryable adj. Which can be dried.
DRYABLE adj. able to be dried.
DURABLYdurably adv. In a durable manner.
DURABLE adv. lasting.
DYEABLEdyeable adj. Able to be dyed.
DYEABLE adj. that can be dyed, also DYABLE.
EMBAYLDEMBAIL v. (obsolete) to encircle, to hoop in.
LADYBOYladyboy n. A trans woman or transfeminine person in or from Asia.
lady␣boy n. Alternative spelling of ladyboy.
LADYBOY n. a transvestite.
LADYBUGladybug n. (North America) Synonym of ladybird.
lady-bug n. Alternative spelling of ladybug.
LADYBUG n. a small beetle, also LADYBIRD, LADYCOW, LADYFLY.
PYEBALDpyebald adj. Obsolete spelling of piebald.
pyebald n. Obsolete spelling of piebald.
PYEBALD n. a horse with patchy colours, also PIEBALD.
RABIDLYrabidly adv. In a rabid manner.
RABID adv. afflicted with rabies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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