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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, B, D, I and U

AUDIBLEaudible adj. Able to be heard.
audible v. (Intransitive, American football) To change the play at the line of scrimmage by yelling out a new one.
audible n. (American football) The act of or an instance of changing the play at the line of scrimmage by yelling out a new one.
AUDIBLYaudibly adv. In context of possibility of being heard; in an audible manner.
AUDIBLY adv. able to be heard.
BADIOUSbadious adj. (Formal) Chestnut-coloured.
BADIOUS adj. chestnut-coloured.
BAUDRICbaudric n. Obsolete form of baldric.
BAUDRIC n. a warrior's sword belt, also BALDRIC, BALDRICK, BAUDRICK, BAWDRIC.
DAUBIERDAUBY adj. smeary.
DAUBINGdaubing v. Present participle of daub.
daubing n. Something daubed, such as graffiti.
daubing n. A rough coat of mortar put upon a wall to give it the appearance of stone; roughcast.
RIBAUDSribauds n. Plural of ribaud.
RIBAUD n. (Spenser) a menial of the lowest grade; a loose, low character, also RIBALD.
SUBACIDsubacid adj. Somewhat acidic.
subacid n. A mild acidic taste.
subacid n. Any substance that is moderately acid.
SUBARIDsubarid adj. Somewhat arid; not quite arid.
SUBARID adj. somewhat arid.
SUBIDEAsubidea n. A secondary or subsidiary idea.
SUBIDEA n. an inferior idea.
UNBRAIDunbraid v. To disentangle the strands of a braid.
UNBRAID v. to separate the strands of.
UPBRAIDupbraid v. (Transitive) To criticize severely.
upbraid v. (Transitive, archaic, followed by with or for, and formerly of before the object) To charge with something…
upbraid v. (Obsolete) To treat with contempt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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