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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, B, C, M and U

BACULUMbaculum n. A bone found in the penis of some mammals.
baculum n. A small rod-like structure found in spores and pollen.
BACULUM n. (Latin) the bone in the penis of certain mammals.
BUCKRAMbuckram n. A coarse cloth of cotton, linen or hemp, stiffened with size or glue, used in bookbinding to cover and…
buckram v. (Transitive) To stiffen with or as if with buckram.
buckram n. A plant, Allium ursinum, also called ramson, wild garlic, or bear garlic.
CALUMBAcalumba n. (Medicine, archaic) A bitter root of a plant (Jateorhiza palmata), indigenous to Mozambique, and used…
CALUMBA n. the dried root of a tree native to East Africa and Madagascar, used as a bitter tonic.
CAMBIUMcambium n. (Botany) A layer of cells between the xylem and the phloem that is responsible for the secondary growth…
cambium n. (Anatomy) Periosteum, a membrane that covers the outer surface of bones.
cambium n. (Obsolete) One of the humours formerly believed to nourish the bodily organs.
CLUBMANclubman n. (Dated) A man who attends a social club.
clubman n. A warrior who uses a club as a weapon.
CLUBMAN n. a member of a club.
CUMBIAScumbias n. Plural of cumbia.
CUMBIA n. a Columbian style of music.
MACUMBAmacumba n. A type of Afro-Brazilian folk religion combining elements of Roman Catholicism with traditional African…
MACUMBA n. (Portuguese) a Black religious cult practised in Brazil, characterized by sorcery, ritual dancing, and the use of fetishes.
SAMBUCAsambuca n. An Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavoured with licorice, traditionally served with 3 coffee…
sambuca n. (Music) An ancient form of triangular harp having a very sharp, shrill tone.
sambuca n. An ancient type of ship-borne siege engine.
SCUMBAGscumbag n. (Slang, vulgar, dated) A condom.
scumbag n. (Informal, mildly vulgar) A sleazy, disreputable or despicable person; lowlife.
SCUMBAG n. a contemptible person.
ZAMBUCKzambuck n. Alternative spelling of zambuk.
ZAMBUCK n. (New Zealand) a member of the St John's ambulance brigade, esp. one on duty at a sporting event, also ZAMBUK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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