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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, B, C, H and R

ABROACHabroach v. (Transitive, obsolete) To set abroach; to let out, as liquor; to broach; to tap.
abroach adv. (Obsolete) Broached; in a condition for letting out or yielding liquor, as a cask which is tapped.
abroach adv. (Obsolete) In a state to be diffused or propagated.
BARCHANbarchan n. An arc-shaped sand ridge comprising well-sorted sand.
BARCHAN n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN, BARCHANE, BARKAN.
BATCHERbatcher n. A machine for preparing batches, especially of concrete, of a fixed size or volume.
BATCHER n. one who puts things together.
BECHARMbecharm v. (Transitive, archaic) To charm; fascinate; hold by a charm or spell.
BECHARM v. to enchant.
BRACHAHBRACHAH n. (Hebrew) a blessing, also BROCHO.
BRACHESbraches n. Plural of brach.
BRACH n. a female hunting hound, also BRACHET, BRATCHET.
BRACHETbrachet n. (Obsolete) A female hunting hound that hunts by scent; a brach.
BRACHET n. (Scots) a hunting dog, also BRACH, BRATCHET.
BRACHIAbrachia n. Plural of brachium.
BRACHIUM n. (Latin) the upper arm; the segment of the fore limb between the shoulder and the elbow.
BRACHOTbrachot n. Plural of bracha.
BRACHAH n. (Hebrew) a blessing, also BROCHO.
BRANCHYbranchy adj. Having many branches.
branchy adj. Tending to branch frequently.
BRANCHY adj. having many branches.
BRAUNCHbraunch n. Obsolete form of branch.
braunch v. Obsolete form of branch.
BRAUNCH v. to spread like a tree branch, also BRANCH.
BRECHAMBRECHAM n. (Scots) a horse-collar, also BRECHAN.
BRECHANBRECHAN n. (Scots) a horse-collar, also BRECHAM.
BROCHANBROCHAN n. (Gaelic) gruel, porridge.
CHAMBERchamber n. A room or set of rooms, particularly…
chamber n. (Obsolete) Ellipsis of chamber pot: a container used for urination and defecation in one’s chambers.
chamber n. (Figuratively) The legislature or division of the legislature itself.
CHAMBREchambre n. Obsolete spelling of chamber.
chambré adj. Of wine: brought to room temperature for the room in which it is to be served.
CHAMBRE adj. (French) of wine, at room temperature.
CHOBDARchobdar n. (India, historical) A frequent attendant of Indian nobles, and formerly also of Anglo-Indian officials…
Chobdar n. A member of a Hindu caste found in the state of Rajasthan in India.
CHOBDAR n. (Urdu) in the Indian subcontinent, an usher bearing a staff, attending on a dignitary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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