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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2S and V

AVGASESavgases n. Plural of avgas.
AVGAS n. any kind of aviation gasoline.
CANVASScanvass v. (Transitive, figuratively).
canvass v. (Transitive, obsolete).
canvass v. (Intransitive).
CASAVASCASAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASSAVA.
CASSAVAcassava n. Manioc (Manihot esculenta), a tropical plant which is the source of tapioca.
cassava n. Tapioca, a starchy pulp made with manioc roots.
CASSAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASAVA.
SALIVASsalivas n. Plural of saliva.
SALIVA n. a fluid secreted by the glands of the mouth.
SALVIASsalvias n. Plural of salvia.
Salvias prop.n. Plural of Salvia.
SALVIA n. a genus of plants including sage.
SATNAVSsatnavs n. Plural of satnav.
sat-navs n. Plural of sat-nav.
sat␣navs n. Plural of sat nav.
SAVAGESsavages n. Plural of savage.
savages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of savage.
SAVAGE v. to attack or treat brutally.
SAVANTSsavants n. Plural of savant.
Savants prop.n. Plural of Savant.
SAVANT n. (French) a learned person, esp. a distinguished scientist etc.
SAVATESSAVATE n. (French) a French form of kickboxing.
VAKASESVAKAS n. (Armenian) a kind of mantle worn by priests in the Armenian church, also VAKASS.
VANESSAvanessa n. (Zoology) Any butterfly of the genus Vanessa.
Vanessa prop.n. A female given name originating as a coinage.
Vanessa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nymphalidae – brush-footed butterflies including the red admirals.
VASSAILVASSAIL n. (Scott) a vessel, also VESSAIL.
VASSALSvassals n. Plural of vassal.
VASSAL v. to subject.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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