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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2A, M and 2R

AIRTRAMAIRTRAM n. an aerial cable car.
ARMERIAarmeria n. (Botany) Any member of the thrift genus Armeria.
Armeria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plumbaginaceae – the thrift plants.
ARMERIA n. the generic name for the plant thrift.
CAMORRACamorra prop.n. A secret crime organization from Naples, Italy, equivalent to the Mafia of Sicily.
CAMORRA n. (Italian) any organized body engaged in extortion or other dishonest activities.
EARMARKearmark v. (Transitive) To mark (sheep or other animals) by slitting the ear.
earmark v. (Transitive, by extension) To specify or set aside for a particular purpose, to allocate.
earmark n. A mark or deformation of the ear of an animal, intended to indicate ownership.
GRAMARYgramary n. Alternative form of gramarye.
GRAMARY n. occult learning or magic, also GRAMARYE.
GRAMMARgrammar n. A system of rules and principles for speaking and writing a language.
grammar n. (Uncountable, linguistics) The study of the internal structure of words (morphology) and the use of…
grammar n. A book describing the rules of grammar of a language.
MARARISMARARI n. (Maori) the butterfish.
MARRAMSmarrams n. Plural of marram.
MARRAM n. (Old Norse) a seaside grass, also MARRUM.
MARRANOmarrano n. (Historical) A Jew who converted to Catholicism under threat or force.
Marrano n. (Historical) Any of the Sephardi Jews who stayed in Iberia during the Spanish Inquisition, and continued…
MARRANO n. (Spanish) a Jew who has converted to Christianity to avoid persecution.
MOJARRAmojarra n. Any perciform fish in the family Gerreidae, often used as bait.
MOJARRA n. (Spanish) any of various small percoid fishes of the family Gerreidae.
ORRAMANORRAMAN n. (Scots) a worker, esp. on a farm, who does odd jobs.
RAMPARTrampart n. A defensive mound of earth or a wall with a broad top and usually a stone parapet; a wall-like ridge…
rampart n. A defensive structure; a protective barrier; a bulwark.
rampart n. That which defends against intrusion from outside; a protection.
RAMULARramular adj. Relating to a ramulus.
RAMULAR adj. of a branch.
TRAMCARtramcar n. A streetcar.
tramcar n. A rail vehicle for carrying loads in a mine; a tram.
TRAMCAR n. a streetcar.
YARDARMyardarm n. (Nautical) The outer end of a yard, often equipped with blocks for reeving signal halyards.
yard-arm n. Alternative spelling of yardarm.
YARDARM n. either end of a ship's spar.
ZAMARRAzamarra n. Sheepskin.
zamarra n. A sheepskin coat worn in parts of Spain.
ZAMARRA n. (Spanish) a shepherd's sheepskin coat, also ZAMARRO.
ZAMARROzamarro n. Alternative form of zamarra.
ZAMARRO n. (Spanish) a shepherd's sheepskin coat, also ZAMARRA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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