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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2L and Y

ALANYLSalanyls n. Plural of alanyl.
ALANYL n. a univalent radical.
ALLAYEDallayed v. Simple past tense and past participle of allay.
ALLAY v. to reduce in intensity or severity, also ALAY, ALEYE.
ALLAYERallayer n. One who allays.
ALLAYER n. one who, or that which, allays.
AREALLYareally adv. With respect to area; over an area.
AREAL adv. relating to an area.
AURALLYaurally adv. Pertaining to sound or the ear; via or through the sense of hearing.
AURALLY adv. like an ear.
AXIALLYaxially adv. In relation to, or in a line with, an axis; in the axial (magnetic) line.
AXIALLY adv. pertaining to an axial.
BANALLYbanally adv. In a banal, trite or boring manner.
BANAL adv. flat and uninteresting.
BASALLYbasally adv. In a basal manner.
BASAL adv. relating to, or forming, the base.
CAVALLYcavally n. Caranx hippos, a carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast.
CAVALLY n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLA.
FALLACYfallacy n. Deceptive or false appearance; that which misleads the eye or the mind.
fallacy n. (Logic) An argument, or apparent argument, which professes to be decisive of the matter at issue, while…
FALLACY n. delusion or error.
FATALLYfatally adv. In a fatal manner; lethally.
fatally adv. Ultimately, with finality or irrevocability, moving towards the demise of something.
fatally adv. Fatedly; according to the dictates of fate or doom.
HALLWAYhallway n. A corridor in a building that connects rooms.
HALLWAY n. a hall or corridor.
NASALLYnasally adv. In a nasal manner or tone.
nasally adv. By, through or using the nose.
nasally adj. That sounds nasal.
NAVALLYnavally adv. In a naval manner; with relation to a navy.
NAVAL adv. pertaining to ships.
PAPALLYpapally adv. In papal fashion.
PAPAL adv. of or relating to the Pope or the papacy.
PAYWALLpaywall n. (Informal, computing) A feature of a website, application or service that only allows access to certain…
paywall v. (Informal, computing, transitive) To restrict access to (a website or other resource) by means of a paywall.
PAYWALL n. an arrangement allowing access to a website only to users who have paid to subscribe to it.
SALABLYsalably adv. Alternative form of saleably.
SALABLE adv. able to be sold, also SALEABLE, SELLABLE.
VAGALLYvagally adv. With respect to the vagus nerve.
VAGAL adv. pertaining to the vagus nerve.
VALLARYvallary adj. Alternative form of vallar.
VALLARY n. (Latin) a Roman circular gold crown which was awarded to the first soldier who broke into the enemy's camp, also VALLAR.
WALLABYwallaby n. Any of several species of marsupial; usually smaller and stockier than kangaroos.
Wallaby n. (Rugby) A player for the Wallabies, the Australian national rugby union team.
WALLABY n. (Native Australian) any of a number of small marsupials of the family Macropodidae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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