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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2L and V

ALLUVIAalluvia n. Plural of alluvium.
ALLUVIUM n. (Latin) land gained from the sea by the washing up of sand and earth, also ALLUVION.
AVELLANAVELLAN adj. (of heraldic crosses) with arms shaped like filberts.
CAVALLAcavalla n. Any of several fishes in the families Carangidae and Scombridae.
CAVALLA n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLY.
CAVALLYcavally n. Caranx hippos, a carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast.
CAVALLY n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLA.
FAVELLAfavella n. Alternative form of favela.
FAVELLA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELA.
LAVOLTAlavolta n. An ancient dance of the Renaissance which incorporated many challenging twists and skips.
LAVOLTA n. (Shakespeare) a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, also LAVOLT, VOLTA.
LAVOLTA v. to dance with much leaping and turning, also LAVOLT.
NAVALLYnavally adv. In a naval manner; with relation to a navy.
NAVAL adv. pertaining to ships.
SALIVALsalival adj. Relating to the saliva; salivary.
SALIVAL adj. relating to saliva, also SALIVARY.
VAGALLYvagally adv. With respect to the vagus nerve.
VAGAL adv. pertaining to the vagus nerve.
VALLARSVALLAR n. (Latin) a Roman circular gold crown which was awarded to the first soldier who broke into the enemy's camp, also VALLARY.
VALLARYvallary adj. Alternative form of vallar.
VALLARY n. (Latin) a Roman circular gold crown which was awarded to the first soldier who broke into the enemy's camp, also VALLAR.
VALLATEvallate adj. Cup-shaped or circumvallate.
VALLATE adj. having a raised rim or rampart.
VALVULAvalvula n. (Anatomy) A small valve.
VALVULA n. (Latin) a small valve, also VALVULE.
VANILLAvanilla n. (Countable) Any tropical, climbing orchid of the genus Vanilla (especially Vanilla planifolia), bearing…
vanilla n. (Countable) The fruit or bean of the vanilla plant.
vanilla n. (Uncountable) The extract of the fruit of the vanilla plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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