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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2L and R

AIRBALLairball n. (Basketball) A shot that misses the backboard, rim and net entirely.
airball v. (Basketball) To throw an airball.
air␣ball n. (Basketball) A thrown ball that misses the basket, and completely fails to touch the net or supporting hoop.
ALLAYERallayer n. One who allays.
ALLAYER n. one who, or that which, allays.
ALLOBARallobar n. (Physics) Any form of an element having a different isotopic composition to that of the natural element…
allobar n. (Meteorology) An area where the atmospheric pressure changes.
ALLOBAR n. a change in barometric pressure.
AREALLYareally adv. With respect to area; over an area.
AREAL adv. relating to an area.
ARMILLAarmilla n. (Ancient Rome) An armband awarded as a military decoration in Ancient Rome.
armilla n. (Zoology) A ring of hair or feathers on the legs.
armilla n. (Astronomy) Alternative form of armill.
AROLLASarollas n. Plural of arolla.
AROLLA n. the Swiss stone pine or Siberian cedar.
AURALLYaurally adv. Pertaining to sound or the ear; via or through the sense of hearing.
AURALLY adv. like an ear.
AXILLARaxillar adj. Alternative form of axillary.
axillar n. Any of the feathers connecting the undersurface of the wing and the body, and concealed by the closed wing.
AXILLAR n. a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing, also AXILLARY.
BARILLAbarilla n. (Botany) Any of several not closely related saltmarsh plants that were once burnt to obtain soda ash…
barilla n. The alkali produced from the plant, an impure carbonate of soda, used for making soap, glass, etc., and for bleaching.
barilla n. Impure soda obtained from the ashes of any seashore plant, or kelp.
CORALLAcoralla n. Plural of corallum.
CORALLUM n. (Latin) the skeleton of a coral colony.
EARBALLearball n. (Acupuncture) A small ball kept in position in the ear and pressed when needed to relieve stress.
EARBALL n. a small ball kept in the ear and squeezed to relieve stress.
GLAREALGLAREAL adj. growing on exposed dry land.
LATERALlateral adj. To the side; of or pertaining to the side.
lateral adj. (UK) Non-linear or unconventional, as in, lateral thinking.
lateral adj. (Phonetics, phonology) (of a consonant, especially the English clear l) Pertaining to sounds generated…
MALLARDmallard n. Anas platyrhynchos, a common and widespread dabbling duck, natively found throughout the Northern Hemisphere…
Mallard prop.n. A surname.
MALLARD n. a wild duck.
PARELLAPARELLA n. (French) a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLE.
VALLARSVALLAR n. (Latin) a Roman circular gold crown which was awarded to the first soldier who broke into the enemy's camp, also VALLARY.
VALLARYvallary adj. Alternative form of vallar.
VALLARY n. (Latin) a Roman circular gold crown which was awarded to the first soldier who broke into the enemy's camp, also VALLAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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