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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2L and P

AMPULLAampulla n. (Historical) An Ancient Roman two-handled vessel.
ampulla n. A vessel for containing consecrated wine or oil.
ampulla n. (Anatomy) The dilated end of a duct.
APPALLSappalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appall.
APPALL v. to horrify, also APPAL.
PADELLApadella n. Alternative form of padelle.
PADELLA n. (Italian) a candle made from a shallow dish of fat.
PAELLASpaellas n. Plural of paella.
PAELLA n. (Spanish) a saffron-flavored Spanish dish of rice and vegetable, meat, chicken, or seafood.
PALATALpalatal adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the palate.
palatal adj. (Dentistry, not comparable) Of an upper tooth, on the side facing the palate.
palatal adj. (Phonetics) Articulated at the hard palate.
PALLAHSpallahs n. Plural of pallah.
PALLAH n. (Setswana) a large South African antelope with lyrated horns.
PALLIALpallial adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by a mantle, especially the mantle of mollusks.
pallial adj. Of or relating to the pallium.
PALLIAL adj. of or pertaining to the pallium or mantle of a mollusc.
PALUDALpaludal adj. Pertaining to marshes, marshy, palustral, especially designating a plant’s habitat.
PAPALLYpapally adv. In papal fashion.
PAPAL adv. of or relating to the Pope or the papacy.
PAPILLApapilla n. (Anatomy) A nipple-like protuberance on a part or organ of the body.
papilla n. (Botany) A small fleshy projection on a plant.
PAPILLA n. (Latin) a nipple-like projection.
PARELLAPARELLA n. (French) a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLE.
PATBALLpatball n. (Uncountable) A particular children’s ball game played against a wall with a tennis ball.
patball n. (Figurative) A back-and-forth.
patball n. (Countable) The ball used in the game of patball.
PATELLApatella n. (Anatomy) The sesamoid bone of the knee; the kneecap.
patella n. A little dish or vase.
Patella prop.n. A surname from Italian.
PAYWALLpaywall n. (Informal, computing) A feature of a website, application or service that only allows access to certain…
paywall v. (Informal, computing, transitive) To restrict access to (a website or other resource) by means of a paywall.
PAYWALL n. an arrangement allowing access to a website only to users who have paid to subscribe to it.
PLANULAplanula n. (Biology) In embryonic development, a vesicle filled with fluid, formed from the morula by the divergence…
planula n. (Zoology) The larva of a hydrozoan, which is free-swimming and covered in cilia.
PLANULA n. (Latin) the free-swimming larva of certain organisms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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