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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2A, K, N and T

ALKANETalkanet n. Alkanna tinctoria, a plant whose root is used as a red dye.
alkanet n. The dyeing matter extracted from the plant, giving a deep red colour.
alkanet n. Other plants of the genus Alkanna.
ASKANTSaskants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of askant.
ASKANT v. (Shakespeare) to turn aside, also ASKANCE.
KAFTANSkaftans n. Plural of kaftan.
KAFTAN n. (Turkish) a kind of tunic, also CAFTAN.
KANTARSkantars n. Plural of kantar.
KANTAR n. (Arabic) an Arab unit of weight, also CANTAR.
KANTELAkantela n. Alternative form of kantele.
KANTELA n. (Finnish) a kind of zither, also KANTELE.
KANTHASkanthas n. Plural of kantha.
KANTHA n. (Bengali) an embroidered cloth quilt.
KATANASkatanas n. Plural of katana.
KATANA n. (Japanese) a long single-edged samurai sword.
KATCINAkatcina n. Alternative form of kachina.
KATCINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KACHINA, KATCHINA, KATSINA.
KATSINAkatsina n. Alternative form of kachina.
Katsina prop.n. A state of Nigeria in the North West geopolitical zone. Capital and largest city: Katsina City.
Katsina prop.n. The largest city and state capital of Katsina State, Nigeria.
KHANATEkhanate n. A region or place ruled by a khan.
KHANATE n. the domain of a khan.
NUNATAKnunatak n. A mountain top or rocky element of a ridge that is surrounded by glacial ice but is not covered by ice;…
NUNATAK n. (Inuit) a point of rock appearing above the surface of land ice.
TANBARKtanbark n. The bark of the oak (or other trees) used as a source of tannin.
tanbark n. The spent bark used as a ground covering.
TANBARK n. a tree bark used for tanning.
TANKAGEtankage n. Storage in a tank.
tankage n. The amount that a tank (or tanks) can hold.
tankage n. The charge levied for storage in a tank.
TANKARDtankard n. A large drinking vessel, sometimes of pewter, sometimes with a glass base, with one handle and often a hinged cover.
TANKARD n. a large mug-like vessel, usually with a handle.
TANKIAStankias n. Plural of tankia.
TANKIA n. (Chinese) the boat-dwelling population of China.
THANGKAthangka n. A painted or embroidered linen banner, usually depicting Buddhist themes, originating in Tibet; a prayer flag.
THANGKA n. (Tibetan) a religious painting on a scroll.
TIKANGAtikanga n. Maori customs and traditions.
TIKANGA n. (Maori) usage or custom.
TWANKAYtwankay n. (Archaic) A variety of green tea.
TWANKAY n. (Chinese) a variety of green tea, also TWANKY.
WANKSTAwanksta n. (Slang, derogatory) A person who pretends to be a member of an urban gang or affects hip-hop styles…
WANKSTA n. (vulgar colloquial) a person who acts and dresses like a gangster but is not involved in crime.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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