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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2A, K, M and N

HACKMANhackman n. The driver of a hack.
Hackman prop.n. A surname.
HACKMAN n. the driver of a hack or carriage for public hire.
JACKMANjackman n. (Motor racing) A member of the pit crew responsible for lifting the car with a jack.
jackman n. (Obsolete) One wearing a jack; a horse soldier; a retainer.
jackman n. A six-pointed playing piece in the game of jacks; a jackstone.
JARKMANjarkman n. (Obsolete) A forger of counterfeit seals, licenses or other documents.
jarkman n. (Obsolete) A writer of begging letters.
JARKMAN n. (archaic) a vagabond who fabricates counterfeit passes, licenses and certificates for others.
MAKHANImakhani adj. (Cooking) Cooked Punjabi-style in a rich sauce containing butter, tomatoes and cream.
makhani n. (Cooking) A Punjabi dish cooked in a rich sauce containing butter, tomatoes and cream.
MAKHANI n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, a dish cooked in butter or cream.
MANAKINmanakin n. Any of several small South American passerine birds of the family Pipridae.
manakin n. Alternative form of manikin.
MANAKIN n. any of various small fruit-eating passerine birds of the tropical American family Pipridae.
MANJACKmanjack n. (Caribbean) A person; the average or common person; anybody.
manjack n. (Geology) A form of bitumen-rich asphalt found in Barbados and Trinidad.
manjack n. Various plants in the genus Cordia.
MANPACKmanpack n. (Usually attributive) An object meant to be carried by a single person.
MANPACK n. a pack designed to be carrier by one person.
MANUKASmanukas n. Plural of manuka.
MANUKA n. (Maori) an Australian and New Zealand tree of the myrtle family, with aromatic leaves used as a substitute for tea.
MARKMANmarkman n. (Obsolete) A marksman.
Markman prop.n. A surname.
MARKMAN n. a person skillful at hitting a target, also MARKSMAN.
PACKMANpackman n. (Archaic) Someone who travels with a pack, especially a travelling salesman.
PACKMAN n. one who bears a pack; a peddler.
RAMAKINramakin n. Alternative form of ramekin.
RAMAKIN n. a small casserole dish in which cheese souffle, eggs etc. are served, also RAMEKIN, RAMEQUIN.
WAKEMANwakeman n. (Archaic) A watchman.
wakeman n. (UK, historical) A man employed to preside over a nightly curfew in the city of Ripon, England.
Wakeman prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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