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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2A, I, T and V

AKVAVITakvavit n. Alternative spelling of aquavit.
AKVAVIT n. (Norwegian) a Scandinavian spirit made from potatoes or grain and flavoured with caraway seeds, also AQUAVIT.
AMATIVEamative adj. Pertaining to love; amorous.
AMATIVE adj. strongly moved by love esp. sexual love.
ANTIVAXantivax adj. Alternative form of anti-vax.
anti-vax adj. (Informal) Opposing vaccines and vaccination.
ANTIVAX adj. opposed to vaccination.
AQUAVITaquavit n. A Scandinavian liquor that is about 40% alcohol by volume; distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored…
AQUAVIT n. (Norwegian) a Scandinavian spirit made from potatoes or grain and flavoured with caraway seeds, also AKVAVIT.
ATAVISMatavism n. The reappearance of an ancestral characteristic in an organism after several generations of absence; a throwback.
atavism n. The recurrence or reversion to a past behaviour, method, characteristic or style after a long period of absence.
atavism n. (Sociology) Reversion to past primitive behavior, especially violence.
ATAVISTatavist n. A genetic characteristic emerging after absence from several generations.
atavist n. A person of atavistic beliefs or habits.
ATAVIST n. a person with ancestral characteristics.
AVIATEDaviated v. Simple past tense and past participle of aviate.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
AVIATESaviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aviate.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
AVIATICaviatic adj. Relating to aviation.
AVIATIC adj. relating to aviation.
AVIATORaviator n. An aircraft pilot. The use of the word may imply claims of superior airmanship, as in navy aviator vs…
aviator n. (Obsolete) An experimenter in aviation.
aviator n. (Obsolete) A flying machine.
BATAVIAbatavia n. Alternative form of Batavia (“variety of lettuce”).
Batavia prop.n. (Historical) Former name of Jakarta, used during the Dutch East Indies period.
Batavia prop.n. The land of the ancient Batavians or Batavi (part of the modern Netherlands).
DATIVALdatival adj. (Grammar) dative.
DATIVAL adj. pertaining to the dative case.
HAVARTIHavarti n. (Uncountable) A semi-soft Danish cow’s milk cheese.
Havarti n. A sample, brand, or variety of such cheese.
HAVARTI n. (Danish) a semisoft Danish cheese.
TRAVAILtravail n. (Literary) Arduous or painful exertion; excessive labor, suffering, hardship.
travail n. Specifically, the labor of childbirth.
travail n. (Obsolete, countable) An act of working; labor (US), labour (British).
VALIANTvaliant adj. Possessing or showing courage or determination; brave, heroic.
valiant adj. Characterized by or done with bravery or valour.
valiant n. (Obsolete) A person who acts with valour, showing hero-like characteristics in the midst of danger.
VANITASvanitas n. (Painting) A type of still life painting, symbolic of mortality, characteristic of Dutch painting of…
VANITAS n. (Latin) a 17th century Dutch still life painting featuring a memento mori etc.
VARIANTvariant adj. Showing variety, diverse.
variant adj. Showing deviation or disagreement.
variant adj. (Obsolete) Variable.
VARIATEvariate n. (Statistics) random variable.
variate n. A measurable quantity capable of taking on a number of values.
variate n. A variable, often the set of x values plotted on a graph.
VATICALvatical adj. Of or pertaining to a prophet; prophetic.
VATICAL adj. pertaining to a prophet, also VATIC.
VIATICAviatica n. Plural of viaticum.
VIATICUM n. (Latin) an allowance for travelling expenses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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