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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, I, L and X

ABAXIALabaxial adj. (Botany, zoology) Of a side that is facing away from the axis or central line, such as the underside…
abaxial adj. Not in the axis. Applied to an embryo placed out of the axis of the seed.
ABAXIAL adj. facing away from the axis, as the surface of a leaf, also ABAXILE.
ABAXILEabaxile adj. Alternative form of abaxial.
ABAXILE adj. facing away from the axis, as the surface of a leaf, also ABAXIAL.
ADAXIALadaxial adj. (Botany) On the side that is towards the axis or central line, usually on the upper side.
adaxial adj. (Developmental biology) adjacent to the axis, or in vertebrates the notochord.
ADAXIAL adj. next to the axis.
AFFIXALaffixal adj. As or like an affix.
AFFIXAL adj. pertaining to a prefix or suffix, also AFFIXIAL.
ALEXIASalexias n. Plural of alexia.
ALEXIA n. loss of power to read.
ANAXIALANAXIAL adj. asymmetrical.
AXIALLYaxially adv. In relation to, or in a line with, an axis; in the axial (magnetic) line.
AXIALLY adv. pertaining to an axial.
AXILLAEaxillae n. Plural of axilla.
AXILLA n. (Latin) the armpit.
AXILLARaxillar adj. Alternative form of axillary.
axillar n. Any of the feathers connecting the undersurface of the wing and the body, and concealed by the closed wing.
AXILLAR n. a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing, also AXILLARY.
AXILLASaxillas n. Plural of axilla.
AXILLA n. (Latin) the armpit.
BIAXIALbiaxial adj. Having two axes.
biaxial adj. (Mathematics, astronomy) Having two axes of rotation and two planes of symmetry (e.g. having the shape of a spheroid).
biaxial adj. Along two axes; e.g. in engineering, a shear or compression text of a material along two axes.
COAXIALcoaxial adj. (Geometry) Having a common central axis.
coaxial n. A coaxial cable.
co-axial adj. Alternative form of coaxial.
EPAXIALepaxial adj. (Anatomy) Located above and behind an axis (typically a midline).
epaxial n. Such a muscle.
EPAXIAL adj. in zoology, above the axis of the neck.
MAXILLAmaxilla n. (Anatomy, zootomy) Synonym of jaw.
maxilla n. (Zootomy) One of the first or second pair of mouthparts posterior to the mandibles in many arthropods…
MAXILLA n. (Latin) the bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
MAXIMALmaximal adj. Largest, greatest (in magnitude), highest, most.
maximal n. (Mathematics) The element of a set with the greatest magnitude.
maximal n. (Mathematics) Said of an ideal of a ring or a filter of a lattice: that it is as large as it can be…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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