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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2A, H, L and R

ACHIRALachiral adj. (Mathematics, chemistry) superimposable on its mirror image; amphichiral.
ACHIRAL adj. of, relating to, or being a molecule that is superimposable on its mirror image.
ALCHERAAlchera prop.n. Synonym of Dreamtime.
ALCHERA n. (Native Australian) the dreamtime, also ALCHERINGA.
ALMIRAHalmirah n. Cupboard, cabinet or chest of drawers.
ALMIRAH n. (Hindi) a wardrobe, a chest of drawers.
ASHLARSashlars n. Plural of ashlar.
ASHLAR v. to build with squared stones, also ASHLER.
BHARALSbharals n. Plural of bharal.
BHARAL n. (Hindi) a blue Himalayan sheep, also BURRELL, BURRHEL.
GHARIALgharial n. A gavial.
GHARIAL n. (Hindi) an Indian crocodile, also GAVIAL, GARIAL.
HALYARDhalyard n. (Nautical) A rope used to raise or lower a sail, flag, spar or yard.
HALYARD n. a line used to hoist a sail, also HALLIARD, HAULYARD.
HAMULARhamular adj. Hooked; hooklike; hamate.
HAMULAR adj. relating to a small hook, also HAMULATE, HAMULOSE, HAMULOUS.
HARMALAharmala n. (Uncountable) Alternative form of harmal.
harmala n. (Countable) A harmala alkaloid.
HARMALA n. an African bean plant, also HARMEL.
HARTALShartals n. Plural of hartal.
HARTAL n. (Hindi) in India, a general strike.
LASHKARlashkar n. Alternative form of lascar.
Lashkar prop.n. A city in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Lashkar prop.n. The Islamic militant Lashkar-e-Toiba (Urdu: لشکرِ طیبه (“Army of the Pure”)), based in Pakistan. Also…
MARSHALmarshal n. (Historical) A high-ranking officer in the household of a medieval prince or lord, who was originally…
marshal n. A military officer of the highest rank in several countries, including France and the former Soviet…
marshal n. A person in charge of the ceremonial arrangement and management of a gathering.
NARWHALnarwhal n. Monodon monoceros, an Arctic cetacean that grows to about 20 feet (6 meters) long, the male having a…
NARWHAL n. (Danish) a kind of whale with a large projecting spiral tusk, also NARWAL, NARWHALE.
PHRASALphrasal adj. Referring to, or used in the manner of, a phrase.
phrasal adj. (Grammar) Consisting of multiple words, but behaving as a single part of speech.
PHRASAL adj. pertaining to a group of two or more associated words.
RACHIALrachial adj. Synonym of rachidial.
RACHIAL adj. relating to a rachis, the spine or axis of a feather.
SHALWARshalwar n. (In singular or plural) Loose trousers worn in some South Asian or Islamic countries, especially by…
SHALWAR n. (Urdu) loose-fitting trousers worn by both sexes in many parts of Asia.
TREHALAtrehala n. Manna from the cocoons of the insects Larinus maculatus and Larinus nidificans.
TREHALA n. (Turkish) a sweet substance obtained from the cocoons of a Middle Eastern weevil and used as a sugar substitute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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