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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2A, H, I and K

AKIRAHOakiraho n. (New Zealand) Olearia paniculata, a flowering plant.
AKIRAHO n. (Maori) a small New Zealand shrub with white flowers.
APHAKIAaphakia n. (Ophthalmology) The absence of the lens of the eye, causing hypermetropia and a loss of accommodation.
APHAKIA n. absence of the lens of the eye.
CHIKARAchikara n. An Indian antelope (Gazella bennettii).
chikara n. The Indian four-horned antelope (Tetracerus quadricornis).
chikara n. A Hindu musical instrument of the violin class.
HAKARIShakaris n. Plural of hakari.
HAKARI n. (Maori) a ritual feast.
HALAKIChalakic adj. Alternative form of halachic.
HALAKIC adj. (Hebrew) pertaining to the halakah, also HALACHIC, HALAKHIC.
KACHINAkachina n. (Pueblo culture) A vaguely ancestral anthropomorphic spirit being, associated with clouds and rain or…
kachina n. (Pueblo culture) A wooden doll, as might be given to a child, which represents such a being.
kachina n. (Pueblo culture) A masked dancer who represents such a being in a ceremonial dance or masked ceremony.
KAHAWAIkahawai n. (New Zealand) Arripis trutta, a marine fish found around the southeastern coast of Australia and New…
KAHAWAI n. (Maori) a large marine fish of the perch family.
KAMAHISkamahis n. Plural of kamahi.
KAMAHI n. (Maori) a tall New Zealand hardwood tree with pinkish flowers.
KARAHISkarahis n. Plural of karahi.
KARAHI n. (Hindi) a wok-like copper utensil used in Asian cookery; a dish prepared in this, also KADAI.
KHALIFAkhalifa n. Alternative form of caliph.
Khalifa n. A member of a predominantly Muslim caste of Gujarat, India.
KHALIFA n. (Arabic) a caliph; a Senussi leader; the Mahdi's successor, also KHALIFAH.
KITHARAkithara n. Alternative form of cithara.
KITHARA n. (Greek) an ancient Greek musical instrument like a lyre, also CITHARA.
MAKHANImakhani adj. (Cooking) Cooked Punjabi-style in a rich sauce containing butter, tomatoes and cream.
makhani n. (Cooking) A Punjabi dish cooked in a rich sauce containing butter, tomatoes and cream.
MAKHANI n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, a dish cooked in butter or cream.
PAKAHISPAKAHI n. (Maori) acid land unfit for cultivation, also PAKIHI.
SHIKARAshikara n. (India, nautical) A type of small wooden boat.
SHIKARA n. (Hindi) a light, flat-bottomed boat in Kashmir.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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