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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2A, G and 2S

ASIAGOSasiagos n. Plural of asiago.
ASIAGO n. (Italian) a type of Italian cheese.
ASSAGAIassagai n. Alternative spelling of assegai.
assagai v. Alternative spelling of assegai.
ASSAGAI v. (Arabic) to pierce with a light spear, also ASSEGAAI.
ASSEGAIassegai n. A slim hardwood spear or javelin with an iron tip, especially those used by Bantu peoples of Southern Africa.
assegai n. The tree species Curtisia dentata, the wood of which is traditionally used to make assegais.
assegai v. To spear with an assegai.
ASSUAGEassuage v. (Transitive) To lessen the intensity of, to mitigate or relieve (Hunger, emotion, pain etc.).
assuage v. (Transitive) To pacify or soothe (someone).
assuage v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To calm down, become less violent (Of passion, hunger etc.); to subside, to abate.
ASSWAGEasswage v. Obsolete spelling of assuage.
ASSWAGE v. (obsolete) to make less severe, also ASSUAGE.
AVGASESavgases n. Plural of avgas.
AVGAS n. any kind of aviation gasoline.
BAGASSEbagasse n. The residue from processing sugar cane after the juice is extracted.
BAGASSE n. (French) dry refuse in sugar-making, also BAGASS.
GASBAGSgasbags n. Plural of gasbag.
GASBAG v. to talk a lot.
MASSAGEmassage n. The action of rubbing, kneading or hitting someone’s body, to help the person relax, prepare for muscular…
massage v. (Transitive) To rub and knead (someone’s body or a part of a body), to perform a massage on (somebody).
massage v. (Transitive) To manipulate (Data, a document etc.) to make it more presentable or more convenient to work with.
PASSAGEpassage n. A paragraph or section of text or music with particular meaning.
passage n. Part of a path or journey.
passage n. An incident or episode.
SAGGARSsaggars n. Plural of saggar.
saggars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of saggar.
SAGGAR v. to pack in a saggar, also SAGGER.
SANGARSsangars n. Plural of sangar.
SANGAR n. (Pushtu) a temporary fortification, also SANGA, SUNGAR.
SANGHASsanghas n. Plural of sangha.
Sanghas prop.n. Plural of Sangha.
SANGHA n. the Buddhist community; the Buddhist monastic order.
SAPSAGOSapsago n. A dry, hard cheese made from skimmed cows’ milk and herbs, originating from Switzerland.
SAPSAGO n. (German) a hard green Swiss cheese.
SATANGSsatangs n. Plural of satang.
SATANG n. (Thai) a monetary unit of Thailand, 1/100th of a baht.
SATSANGSATSANG n. (Sanskrit) a sacred gathering in Hinduism.
SAUSAGEsausage n. A food made of ground meat (or meat substitute) and seasoning, packed in a section of the animal’s intestine…
sausage n. A sausage-shaped thing.
sausage n. (Vulgar slang) Penis.
SAVAGESsavages n. Plural of savage.
savages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of savage.
SAVAGE v. to attack or treat brutally.
SEABAGSseabags n. Plural of seabag.
SEABAG n. a bag used by sailors.
STALAGSstalags n. Plural of stalag.
STALAG n. (German) a German camp for prisoners of war.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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