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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2A, G, N and U

ANGULARangular adj. Relating or pertaining to an angle or angles.
angular adj. Having an angle or angles; forming an angle or corner.
angular adj. Sharp-cornered; pointed.
AULNAGEaulnage n. Alternative form of alnage.
AULNAGE n. cloth inspection, also ALNAGE.
GUANACOguanaco n. A South American ruminant (Lama guanicoe), closely related to the other lamoids, the alpaca, llama…
GUANACO n. (Quechua) a South American mammal, allied to the llama, also HUANACO.
GUANASEguanase n. (Biochemistry) guanine deaminase, an enzyme.
GUANASE n. an enzyme.
GUANAYSGUANAY n. a Peruvian cormorant.
GUARANAguarana n. A tree, Paullinia cupana, native to Venezuela and northern Brazil.
guarana n. The fruit from this tree.
guarana n. An edible paste prepared from the seeds of the tree, formed into round or oblong cakes.
GUARANIguarani n. Alternative form of guaraní.
Guarani prop.n. Alternative spelling of Guaraní.
guaraní n. The currency of Paraguay, divided into 100 céntimos.
IGUANASiguanas n. Plural of iguana.
IGUANA n. a large tropical lizard, also IGUANID.
LAGUNASLAGUNA n. (Italian) a shallow body of water, also LAGOON, LAGUNE.
LEGUAANleguaan n. An iguana.
leguaan n. Any of the monitor lizards.
LEGUAAN n. (Dutch) a large monitor lizard of the genus Varanus, also LEGUAN.
MAHUANGmahuang n. Ephedra, when used in traditional Chinese medicine.
ma␣huang n. Any of various plants of the Ephedra genus, especially Ephedra sinica, used in traditional Chinese medicine.
MAHUANG n. (Chinese) an Asian plant of the Ephedra genus.
RUNANGArunanga n. (New Zealand) A traditional Māori assembly or tribal gathering.
RUNANGA n. (Maori) an assembly or council.
TAGUANStaguans n. Plural of taguan.
TAGUAN n. (Tagalog) a giant flying squirrel of SE Asia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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