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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2A, G, M and O

AGAMOIDAGAMOID adj. having the features of an agamid.
AGAMOID n. a member of the agamid family.
AGAMONTagamont n. A cell that divides by schizogony.
AGAMONT n. in protozoans, a SCHIZONT, a mature trophozoite about to reproduce by schizogony.
AGAMOUSagamous adj. Having no marital partner or pair-bonded mate; being neither monogamous (pair-bonded) nor polygamous.
agamous adj. (Biology) Synonym of agamic: asexual (of reproduction: occurring without union of male and female gametes).
agamous adj. (Biology) Having no visible sex organs; asexual or cryptogamous.
ANGIOMAangioma n. (Medicine) A benign tumor made up of small blood vessels or lymph vessels.
ANGIOMA n. a benign tumour due to dilated blood vessels.
APOGAMYapogamy n. (Botany) Asexual reproduction of a fully formed plant directly from a bud.
APOGAMY n. a form of plant reproduction.
DOGMATAdogmata n. Plural of dogma.
DOGMA n. (Greek) an authoritative belief.
GAMBADOgambado n. (Usually in the plural) Either of a pair of protective leather gaiters on a saddle.
gambado n. (In the plural) gamashes; spatterdashes.
gambado n. A gambade (leaping movement).
MAGALOGmagalog n. Alternative spelling of magalogue.
MAGALOG n. (colloquial) a large mail-order catalog in the form of a magazine, also MAGALOGUE.
MANGEAOmangeao n. Litsea calicaris, a species of evergreen tree endemic to New Zealand.
MANGEAO n. (Maori) a small New Zealand tree with glossy leaves.
MARGOSAmargosa n. Neem (tree).
MARGOSA n. (Portuguese) a large tree of genus Melia found in India, valued for medicinal purposes, aka neem.
SANGOMAsangoma n. (South Africa and other parts of Southern Africa) A (usually female) traditional healer or herbalist, or witch doctor.
SANGOMA n. (Zulu) a witch-doctor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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