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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2A, G, L and O

ALOGIASALOGIA n. the inability to speak.
ANALOGAanaloga n. Plural of analogon.
ANALOGON n. (Greek) that which is analogous to, or corresponds with, some other thing, also ANALOG, ANALOGUE.
ANALOGSanalogs n. (US) plural of analog.
ANALOG n. something that bears a resemblance to something else, also ANALOGUE.
ANALOGYanalogy n. A relationship of resemblance or equivalence between two situations, people, or objects, especially…
analogy n. (Geometry) The proportion or the equality of ratios.
analogy n. (Grammar) The correspondence of a word or phrase with the genius of a language, as learned from the…
APOGEALapogeal adj. Connected with the apogee.
APOGEAL adj. relating to an apogee, the outermost point in an orbit, also APOGAEIC, APOGEAN, APOGEIC.
ARUGOLAARUGOLA n. (Italian) a Mediterranean plant used in salads, also ARUGULA, RUCOLA, RUGOLA.
CATALOGcatalog n. US and Canada spelling of catalogue.
catalog v. US spelling of catalogue.
CATALOG v. to classify information descriptively.
COAGULAcoagula n. Plural of coagulum.
COAGULUM n. (Latin) a clot.
GALAGOSgalagos n. Plural of galago.
GALAGO n. (Wolof) a kind of African lemur.
GASAHOLgasahol n. Alternative form of gasohol.
GASAHOL n. a mixture of 8 or 9 parts petrol and 1 or 2 parts alcohol, used as a fuel, also GASOHOL.
GONADALgonadal adj. Of or pertaining to the gonads.
GONADAL adj. pertaining to the gonad, also GONADIAL, GONADIC.
GRANOLAgranola n. A breakfast and snack food consisting of loose, crispy pellets made of nuts, rolled oats, honey and…
granola adj. (Chiefly North American, of a person) Eating healthy food, supporting the protection of the environment…
GRANOLA n. (tradename) a type of crunchy breakfast cereal made with mixed grain, oats, dried fruit, nuts, etc., and honey or brown sugar.
LAOGAISLAOGAI n. (Chinese) the system of forced labor camps in China.
LOGANIAlogania n. (Botany) Any of the genus Logania of plants native to Australia and New Zealand.
LOGANIA n. any of a family of Australian plants related to the gentians.
MAGALOGmagalog n. Alternative spelling of magalogue.
MAGALOG n. (colloquial) a large mail-order catalog in the form of a magazine, also MAGALOGUE.
OTALGIAotalgia n. (Pathology) earache.
OTALGIA n. pain in the ear, also OTALGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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