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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, F, N and S

AFGHANSafghans n. Plural of afghan.
Afghans n. Plural of Afghan.
AFGHAN n. a heavy knitted or crocheted woollen blanket or shawl.
ANTIFASantifas n. Plural of antifa.
ANTIFA n. an antifascist organization; a member of an antifascist organization.
BEFANASBEFANA n. (Italian) an Epiphany gift, also BEFFANA.
CAFTANScaftans n. Plural of caftan.
CAFTAN n. (Turkish) a full-length tunic, also KAFTAN.
FANBASEfanbase n. Alternative form of fan base.
fan␣base n. The fans of a thing or person taken as a group.
FANBASE n. the body of fans of a celebrity.
FANEGASfanegas n. Plural of fanega.
FANEGA n. (Spanish) a dry measure in Spain and Spanish America, also FANEGADA, FANGA.
FANTADSfantads n. Plural of fantad.
FANTAD n. a fidgety state, also FANTOD.
FANTASMfantasm n. Alternative spelling of phantasm.
FANTASM n. a creation of the imagination.
FANTASTfantast n. (Now rare) One whose manners or ideas are fantastic and fanciful; a dreamer.
FANTAST n. an impractical person, also PHANTAST.
FANTASYfantasy n. That which comes from one’s imagination.
fantasy n. (Literature) The literary genre generally dealing with themes of magic and the supernatural, imaginary…
fantasy n. A fantastical design.
FARANGSfarangs n. Plural of farang.
FARANG n. (Thai) a foreigner.
FARINASfarinas n. Plural of farina.
Farinas prop.n. Plural of Farina.
FARINA n. (Latin) a fine flour or meal made from cereal grains, also FARINHA.
KAFTANSkaftans n. Plural of kaftan.
KAFTAN n. (Turkish) a kind of tunic, also CAFTAN.
SAFFIANsaffian n. A leather made from goatskins or sheepskins which is tanned with sumac and then brightly dyed.
SAFFIAN n. (Russian) a brightly-coloured goatskin or sheepskin leather.
SARAFANsarafan n. A traditional long, trapeze-shaped Russian pinafore worn by women and girls.
SARAFAN n. (Russian) the national dress of Russian peasant women.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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