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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2A, F and 2L

ALFALFAalfalfa n. (Uncountable) A plant, principally of Medicago sativa, grown as a pasture crop.
alfalfa n. (Countable) A type or breed of this plant.
Alfalfa prop.n. An unincorporated community in Deschutes County, Oregon, United States.
ASHFALLashfall n. The precipitation of ash from a volcanic eruption.
ASHFALL n. a deposit of volcanic ash.
CATFALLcatfall n. (Nautical) A rope used in hoisting the anchor to the cathead.
CATFALL n. a rope used in hoisting the anchor to the cathead.
FALAFELfalafel n. (Uncountable) A Middle Eastern food in the form of balls made from chickpeas or broad beans and other…
falafel n. (Countable) A pita with falafel balls inside (like a sandwich or a wrap).
falafel n. (Countable) A single falafel ball.
FALBALAfalbala n. A furbelow.
FALBALA n. a trimming for a woman's garment.
FALCULAfalcula n. (Plural only) The falx cerebelli.
falcula n. (Plural only, zoology) A curved and sharp-pointed claw.
FALCULA n. (Latin) a claw bent like a sickle.
FALLACYfallacy n. Deceptive or false appearance; that which misleads the eye or the mind.
fallacy n. (Logic) An argument, or apparent argument, which professes to be decisive of the matter at issue, while…
FALLACY n. delusion or error.
FALLALSfallals n. (Colloquial, dated) ornaments; trinkets; frippery.
FALLAL n. a showy article of dress.
FATALLYfatally adv. In a fatal manner; lethally.
fatally adv. Ultimately, with finality or irrevocability, moving towards the demise of something.
fatally adv. Fatedly; according to the dictates of fate or doom.
FAVELLAfavella n. Alternative form of favela.
FAVELLA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELA.
JAWFALLjawfall n. (Archaic, Caribbean) trismus.
JAWFALL n. a falling of the jaw; a depression of the spirits.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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