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There are 18 seven-letter words containing 2A, E, F and L

AFFABLEaffable adj. Receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; friendly, courteous, sociable.
affable adj. Mild; benign.
AFFABLE adj. easy to speak to.
EARFLAPearflap n. Either of two flaps attached to a cap that cover the ears.
EARFLAP n. a part of a cap that covers the ears.
FACULAEfaculae n. Plural of facula.
FACULA n. (Latin) an unusually bright spot on the sun's surface.
FADABLEfadable adj. Capable of fading, or losing its colour.
FADABLE adj. capable of fading.
FALAFELfalafel n. (Uncountable) A Middle Eastern food in the form of balls made from chickpeas or broad beans and other…
falafel n. (Countable) A pita with falafel balls inside (like a sandwich or a wrap).
falafel n. (Countable) A single falafel ball.
FALCADEfalcade n. A horse’s movement of throwing itself on its haunches two or three times, bending in very quick curvets.
FALCADE n. (French) a leaping motion of a horse.
FALCATEfalcate adj. (Zoology and botany) Shaped like a sickle.
FALCATE adj. curved and tapering to a point, also FALCATED.
FALDAGEfaldage n. (Law, Norfolk, Suffolk, obsolete) A privilege of setting up, and moving about, folds for sheep, in any…
faldage n. (Law, obsolete) A fee paid for exemption from this.
FALDAGE n. (historical) the right of the lord of a manor to graze a tenant's sheep in folds on his land, in order to manure it.
FAVELASfavelas n. Plural of favela.
Favelas prop.n. Plural of Favela.
FAVELA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELLA.
FAVELLAfavella n. Alternative form of favela.
FAVELLA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELA.
FAXABLEfaxable adj. That can be faxed (transmitted by facsimile).
FAXABLE adj. capable of being faxed.
FLEABAGfleabag n. (Slang) A bed or sleeping bag.
fleabag n. (Slang) A place of shabby lodging, particularly a filthy hotel or run-down apartment.
fleabag n. (Slang) An unkempt mammal.
LAWFARElawfare n. The use of the judicial system against one’s opponents, often only to attack or condemn a rival.
LAWFARE n. the practice of using the law against enemies, esp. by challenging the legality of military or foreign policy.
LEAFAGEleafage n. The leaves of plants collectively; foliage.
LEAFAGE n. foliage, also LEAFERY.
OAKLEAFoakleaf n. (Often attributive) The leaf of the oak.
oakleaf n. (Military) A device, badge or emblem shaped like the leaf of an oak, and indicating an award. (see Oak leaves)
oakleaf n. Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the Asian genus Kallima.
PARAFLEparafle n. Alternative form of paraffle.
PARAFLE n. (Scots) a pretentious display, a fuss, also PARAFFLE.
RAFALESrafales n. Plural of rafale.
RAFALE n. (French) a burst of artillery in quick rounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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