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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2E and M

ACADEMEacademe n. (Historical) The name of the garden in Athens where the academics met.
academe n. (Poetic) An academy; a place of learning.
academe n. (Poetic) The scholarly life, environment, or community.
AGAMETEagamete n. (Biology) A nonsexual gamete; a gamete involved in asexual reproduction.
AGAMETE n. an asexual reproductive cell.
AGEMATEagemate n. Alternative form of age-mate.
age-mate n. One who is the same age as another.
AGEMATE n. a person of the same age as another.
AMEBEANamebean adj. Alternative spelling of amoebean.
AMEBEAN adj. alternately responding, also AMOEBEAN.
AMENAGEAMENAGE v. (Spenser) to manage, control.
AMESACEAMESACE n. a double ace, the lowest possible throw at dice, also AMBSACE.
AMOEBAEamoebae n. Plural of amoeba.
amœbæ n. Plural of amœba.
AMOEBA n. (Greek) a one-celled animal of ever-changing shape, also AMEBA.
AMREETAamreeta n. Alternative spelling of amrita.
AMREETA n. (Sanskrit) a drink which bestows immortality in Hindu mythology, also AMRIT, AMRITA.
CAMERAEcamerae n. Plural of camera.
cameræ n. (Rare) plural of camera.
CAMERA n. an apparatus for taking photographs.
EDAMAMEedamame n. Fresh green soybeans boiled as a vegetable.
EDAMAME n. a preparation of baby soybeans in the pod commonly found in Japan, China and Korea.
EDEMATAedemata n. Plural of edema.
EDEMA n. (Greek) local or general swelling produced by the accumulation of fluid in the body tissues or cavities, also OEDEMA.
EMANATEemanate v. (Intransitive) To come from a source; issue from.
emanate v. (Transitive, rare) To send or give out; manifest.
EMANATE v. to send forth.
ENEMATAenemata n. Plural of enema.
ENEMA n. (Greek) fluid injected into the rectum.
MALEATEmaleate n. (Organic chemistry) any salt or ester of maleic acid.
MALEATE n. a salt of malic acid, also MALATE.
MANATEEmanatee n. Any of several plant-eating marine mammals, of family Trichechidae, found in tropical regions.
MANATEE n. (Caribbean) a large aquatic mammal, also MANATI.
MEATAXEmeataxe n. Alternative form of meat axe.
meat␣axe n. A cleaver used for chopping meat.
MEATAXE n. a meat cleaver.
MELAENAmelaena n. Alternative spelling of melena.
melæna n. Obsolete form of melena.
MELAENA n. a condition marked by black tarry stool, also MELENA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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