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There are 18 seven-letter words containing 2A, D, N and P

APADANAapadana n. A large hypostyle hall in ancient Persian palaces.
APADANA n. (Persian) the great hall of a Persian palace.
DALAPONdalapon n. (Organic chemistry) The chlorinated carboxylic acid 2,2-dichloropropanoic acid that is used as a herbicide.
DALAPON n. a herbicide used on unwanted grass.
DAPHNIAdaphnia n. A water flea of the genus Daphnia.
Daphnia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Daphniidae – the water fleas.
DAPHNIA n. any member of the crustacean genus Daphnia, water-fleas, also DAPHNID.
DEADPANdeadpan adj. Deliberately impassive or expressionless.
deadpan adj. Having such a face or look.
deadpan adj. Impassive.
GRANDPAgrandpa n. (Informal) grandfather.
GRANDPA n. a grandfather.
HARDPANhardpan n. A distinct layer of soil that is largely impervious to water.
hardpan n. Synonym of dry lake.
HARDPAN n. a layer of hard subsoil.
PADANGSpadangs n. Plural of padang.
PADANG n. (Malay) a field, esp a playing field.
PADNAGSpadnags n. Plural of padnag.
PADNAG n. a horse that moves along at an easy pace.
PADRONAPADRONA n. (Italian) a female boss or employer.
PALADINpaladin n. A heroic champion, especially a knight.
paladin n. A defender or advocate of a noble cause.
paladin n. Any of the twelve Companions of the court of Emperor Charlemagne.
PANADASpanadas n. Plural of panada.
PANADA n. (Spanish) a thick sauce used to bind quenelles, forcemeats and rissoles.
PANDANIpandani n. Richea pandanifolia, an ericaceous flowering plant.
PANDANI n. a tropical, palmlike tree of Tasmania.
PANDANSpandans n. Plural of pandan.
PANDAN n. (Malay) a palm of SE Asia, the leaves of which are used to weave mats, also PANDANUS.
PANDARSpandars n. Plural of pandar.
pandars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pandar.
PANDAR v. to act as a procurer of sexual favours, also PANDER.
PANDORApandora n. Any fish of the genus Pagellus.
Pandora prop.n. (Greek mythology) The first woman on earth, who had been given a box by the gods and instructed not…
Pandora prop.n. (Astronomy) A moon of the planet Saturn.
PANDURApandura n. (Music) An Ancient Greek stringed instrument, a kind of lute with three strings that were stopped with…
PANDURA n. (Spanish) an ancient musical instrument, also BANDORA, BANDORE, PANDORA, PANDORE.
PINTADApintada n. A female guinea fowl.
PINTADA n. (Portuguese) a kind of petrel; the Cape guinea fowl, also PINTADO.
PRADHANpradhan n. (India, historical) An official in parts of India, equivalent to vizier in rank and function.
Pradhan prop.n. A surname from Hindi.
PRADHAN n. (Hindi) (in India) a chief or leader.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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