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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, D, L and O

ACNODALacnodal adj. Pertaining to acnodes.
ACNODAL adj. being an isolated point on a mathematical curve.
ALAMODEalamode n. A lustrous silk fabric used for headscarves.
alamode adj. Alternative form of a la mode.
alamode adv. Alternative form of a la mode.
ALLODIAallodia n. Plural of allodium.
ALLODIUM n. (Latin) an estate held in absolute ownership, also ALLOD, ALOD, ALODIUM.
ALODIALalodial adj. Alternative form of allodial.
ALODIAL adj. relating to alodium, property under absolute ownership; freehold, also ALLODIAL.
ARMLOADarmload n. As much as can be carried with one, or a pair, of arms.
ARMLOAD n. as much as may be carried in the arms.
CALANDOCALANDO adv. (Italian) slowing with gradually lowering volume.
CARLOADcarload n. The contents of an automobile (Passengers, supplies, etc.) for one trip.
carload n. (Rail transport, US, Canada) The quantity of goods that can be carried in a freight car.
CARLOAD n. as much as a car can hold.
DALAPONdalapon n. (Organic chemistry) The chlorinated carboxylic acid 2,2-dichloropropanoic acid that is used as a herbicide.
DALAPON n. a herbicide used on unwanted grass.
DANAZOLdanazol n. (Pharmacology) A derivative of the synthetic steroid ethisterone that inhibits the release of gonadotropins…
DANAZOL n. a synthetic male hormone.
GONADALgonadal adj. Of or pertaining to the gonads.
GONADAL adj. pertaining to the gonad, also GONADIAL, GONADIC.
MANDOLAmandola n. (Music) A stringed musical instrument resembling the mandolin, but of larger size and tuned lower.
MANDOLA n. (Italian) an early type of mandolin, also MANDORA.
MONADALmonadal adj. Synonym of monadic.
MONADAL adj. relating to a monad.
PAYLOADpayload n. That part of a cargo that produces revenue.
payload n. The total weight of passengers, crew, equipment, and cargo carried by an aircraft or spacecraft.
payload n. That part of a rocket, missile, propelled stinger, or torpedo that is not concerned with propulsion…
SCALADOscalado n. (Military, obsolete) An escalade.
SCALADO n. (Italian) the scaling of the walls of a fortress by ladders, also ESCALADE, ESCALADO, SCALADE.
VANLOADvanload n. The load carried by a van.
VANLOAD n. the quantity that a van can carry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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