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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, O and S

ACAJOUSacajous n. Plural of acajou.
ACAJOU n. (Tupi) the cashew tree; also, its fruit.
ACCOASTaccoast v. (Obsolete, transitive, intransitive) To lie or sail along the coast or side (of); to accost.
ACCOAST v. to lie or sail along the coast or side of; to accost.
ASOCIALasocial adj. Not social, not relating to society.
asocial adj. Not sociable; having minimal social connections with others; not inclined to connect with others socially.
asocial adj. (Sometimes proscribed) Antisocial.
ATOCIASATOCIA n. sterility in a female.
BABACOSbabacos n. Plural of babaco.
BABACO n. (Spanish) a subtropical five-sided fruit related to the papaya.
CAEOMASCAEOMA n. a spore-forming organ of a fungus.
CANOLAScanolas n. Plural of canola.
CANOLA n. edible oil from the rape plant.
CATALOSCATALO n. a cross between a buffalo and a domestic cow, also CATTALO.
CLOACAScloacas n. Plural of cloaca.
CLOACA n. (Latin) the terminal part of the gut in birds.
COAITAScoaitas n. Plural of coaita.
COAITA n. (Tupi) a type of spider monkey.
COASTALcoastal adj. (Geography) Relating to the coast; on or near the coast.
Coastal prop.n. (Informal) Coastal Carolina University.
COASTAL adj. pertaining to the seashore.
COBAEAScobaeas n. Plural of cobaea.
COBAEA n. one of a family of South American shrubs.
MACACOSmacacos n. Plural of macaco.
MACACO n. (French) any one of several species of lemurs.
MACOYASmacoyas n. Plural of macoya.
MACOYA n. (Spanish) an American palm, whose nuts yield a violet-scented oil, also MACAHUBA.
OSTRACAostraca n. Plural of ostracon.
OSTRACON n. (Greek) a piece of tile for writing a message upon, also OSTRAKON.
ROSACEArosacea n. (Pathology) A chronic condition characterized by redness of the face.
ROSACEA n. (Latin) a skin disease.
SACATONsacaton n. A tufted perennial grass, Sporobolus airoides, grown in the southwestern United States and Mexico and…
SACATON n. (Spanish) a type of coarse perennial grass growing in alkaline regions of the southern US, also ZACATON.
SARCOMAsarcoma n. (Oncology) A type of malignant tumor of the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective…
SARCOMA n. (Greek) a tumour of connective tissue.
SCALADOscalado n. (Military, obsolete) An escalade.
SCALADO n. (Italian) the scaling of the walls of a fortress by ladders, also ESCALADE, ESCALADO, SCALADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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