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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, N and U

ANCHUSAanchusa n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Anchusa (within family Boraginaceae) of rough and hairy Old World herbs…
Anchusa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Boraginaceae – certain chiefly herbaceous plants, the buglosses.
ANCHUSA n. (Latin) a hairy-stemmed plant of the borage family.
ARCANUMarcanum n. A mystery or deep secret.
arcanum n. An elixir or secret remedy.
ARCANUM n. (Latin) a secret; a mystery.
ASCAUNTascaunt adv. Obsolete form of askance.
ASCAUNT adv. (Shakespeare) slantways across, also ASCONCE, ASKANCE, ASKANT.
CALLUNAcalluna n. A common European heath/heather of species Calluna vulgaris.
Calluna prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ericaceae – common heather (Calluna vulgaris).
CALLUNA n. (Greek) any plant of the ling genus.
CANNULAcannula n. (Medicine) A tube inserted in the body to drain or inject fluid.
cannula n. (Aviation) A hose or tube that connects directly from an oxygen (O2) bottle/source to the user’s nose…
CANNULA n. (Latin) a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANULA.
CANULAEcanulae n. Plural of canula.
CANULA n. (Latin) a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANNULA.
CANULARcanular adj. Alternative form of cannular.
CANULAR adj. relating to a canula.
CANULAScanulas n. Plural of canula.
CANULA n. (Latin) a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANNULA.
CARAUNAcarauna n. Alternative form of caranna.
CARAUNA n. (Tupi) a resinous substance yielded by various South American trees, also CARANNA.
CURTANAcurtana n. A short sword used for ceremonial purposes.
CURTANA n. a sword without a point, symbolic of mercy.
GUANACOguanaco n. A South American ruminant (Lama guanicoe), closely related to the other lamoids, the alpaca, llama…
GUANACO n. (Quechua) a South American mammal, allied to the llama, also HUANACO.
HUANACOhuanaco n. Alternative form of guanaco.
HUANACO n. (Quechua) a South American mammal allied to the llama, also GUANACO.
LACUNAElacunae n. Plural of lacuna.
lacunæ n. Obsolete typography of lacunae.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
LACUNALlacunal adj. Of or pertaining to a lacuna, like a lacuna.
LACUNAL adj. relating to a lacuna, a gap, also LACUNARY, LACUNATE.
LACUNARlacunar adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a lacuna.
lacunar n. (Architecture) A sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling or a soffit.
lacunar n. (Architecture) A ceiling containing panels of this kind.
LACUNASlacunas n. Plural of lacuna.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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