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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, H and M

AMBATCHambatch n. A large shrub or small tree found in and around water in the African tropics, Aeschynomene elaphroxylon…
ambatch n. (Countable) A raft made from bundles of the stems of this plant.
AMBATCH n. (Ethiopian) a spongy wood, often used for rafts, also AMBACH.
CHACMASchacmas n. Plural of chacma.
CHACMA n. (Hottentot) a large species of African baboon, aka ursine baboon.
CHAMADEchamade n. (Military, historical) A signal sounded on a drum or trumpet inviting a parley.
CHAMADE n. (historical) a signal made for a parley by beat of a drum.
CHAMISACHAMISA n. (Spanish) a Californian shrub with white flowers, growing in dense thickets, also CHAMISE, CHAMISO.
CHAMPACchampac n. A type of Asian tree with fragrant blossoms, Magnolia champaca.
CHAMPAC n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPACA, CHAMPAK.
CHAMPAKchampak n. Alternative form of champac (Magnolia champaca).
CHAMPAK n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPACA.
CHAMPASchampas n. The native peat of Peru.
Champas prop.n. Plural of Champa.
CHAMPAS n. (colloq.) champagne.
CHAPMANchapman n. (Obsolete) A dealer or merchant, especially an itinerant one.
chapman n. (Obsolete) A purchaser.
Chapman prop.n. An English surname originating as an occupation for a merchant.
CHASMALchasmal adj. Of or like a chasm.
CHASMAL adj. of or like a chasm, also CHASMIC.
CHIASMAchiasma n. (Anatomy) A crossing of two nerves, ligaments etc.
chiasma n. (Genetics, cytology) The contact point between the two chromatids of a chromosome during meiosis.
CHIASMA n. (Greek) a connection formed during meiosis, also CHIASM.
DASHCAMdashcam n. (Automotive) A digital video recorder mounted on the dashboard of a vehicle or elsewhere inside the…
dash␣cam n. Alternative form of dashcam.
DASHCAM n. a small video camera situated on the dashboard of a vehicle, used to record the view through the windscreen.
DRACHMAdrachma n. The currency of Greece in ancient times and again from 1832 until 2001, with the symbol ₯, since replaced…
drachma n. A coin worth one drachma.
drachma n. An Ancient Greek weight of about 66.5 grains, or 4.3 grams.
HACKMANhackman n. The driver of a hack.
Hackman prop.n. A surname.
HACKMAN n. the driver of a hack or carriage for public hire.
MACCHIAmacchia n. A shrubland biota in Mediterranean countries, typically consisting of densely-growing evergreen shrubs.
MACCHIA n. (Italian) a dense growth of small trees and shrubs.
MACHACAmachaca n. A dish of meat baked, simmered and then dried, originating from north Mexico.
machaca n. A type of planthopper from Central and South America, taxonomic name Fulgora laternaria.
MACHACA n. (Spanish) a Mexican dish of shredded meat fried with vegetables.
MACHAIRmachair n. (Geology) A type of calcareous sandy terrain formed mostly from seashells, found by the coast in areas…
MACHAIR n. (Gaelic) a low-lying sandy beach, esp. in the Hebrides.
MACHANSmachans n. Plural of machan.
MACHAN n. (Hindi) a raised platform, esp. in a tree, to watch for game.
MATCHASmatchas n. Plural of matcha.
MATCHA n. (Japanese) a tea made from finely ground green tea leaves.
YASHMACyashmac n. Alternative spelling of yashmak.
YASHMAC n. (Arabic) a double Muslim veil leaving only eyes uncovered, also YASHMAK, YASMAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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