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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2A, C, E and I

ACARINEacarine adj. (Medicine) Of or caused by acari or mites.
acarine n. (Zoology) Synonym of acarid.
ACARINE n. a tick-like animal, also ACARID, ACARIDAN.
ACEDIASACEDIA n. (Greek) sloth, physical torpor, also ACCIDIA, ACCIDIE.
ACEQUIAacequia n. (Used in the Southwestern US or in reference to Spain, chiefly agriculture) An irrigation ditch.
ACEQUIA n. (Spanish) an irrigation ditch.
ACHENIAachenia n. Plural of achenium.
ACHENIUM n. a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed, also ACHAENIUM, ACHENE, AKENE.
AECIDIAaecidia n. Plural of aecidium.
AECIDIUM n. (Greek) a cup-shaped structure in rust fungi, also AECIUM.
AGAPEICagapeic adj. Characteristic of agape.
AGAPEIC adj. relating to agape, Christian love.
AIDANCEaidance n. Aid; assistance; help.
AIDANCE n. help.
ALCAIDEalcaide n. The governor or commander of a Spanish or Portuguese fortress or prison.
alcaide n. A caid.
Alcaide prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ANAEMICanaemic adj. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of anemic.
anaemic n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of anemic.
anæmic adj. Obsolete spelling of anaemic.
ARCHAEIarchaei n. Plural of archaeus.
ARCHAEUS n. an inner controlling spirit, also ARCHEUS.
AVARICEavarice n. Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greed for wealth.
avarice n. Inordinate desire for some supposed good.
AVARICE n. greed.
CAMAIEUcamaieu n. (Art) A style of painting in a small range of monochrome colours.
camaieu n. (Art) A style of printing pictures producing the effect of a pencil drawing.
camaieu n. (Art) A cameo (relief carving).
CAMELIAcamelia n. Obsolete form of camellia.
CAMELIA n. an evergreen shrub, also CAMELLIA.
CARDIAEcardiae n. Plural of cardia.
CARDIA n. (Greek) an opening of the esophagus.
CARINAEcarinae n. Plural of carina.
Carinae prop.n. (Astronomy) genitive of Carina used when naming stars, such as α Carinae.
CARINA n. (Latin) a keel-shaped ridge on a bird's breast.
CAVIAREcaviare n. Alternative spelling of caviar.
CAVIARE n. the roe of sturgeon, also CAVIAR, CAVIARIE, CAVIER.
CICADAEcicadae n. Plural of cicada.
CICADA n. (Latin) a winged insect, also CICALA.
ECTASIAectasia n. (Medicine) Synonym of ectasis.
ECTASIA n. the lengthening of a short syllable, also ECTASIS.
FASCIAEfasciae n. Plural of fascia.
FASCIA n. (Latin) an architectural band, also FACIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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