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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2A, C and 2E

ACADEMEacademe n. (Historical) The name of the garden in Athens where the academics met.
academe n. (Poetic) An academy; a place of learning.
academe n. (Poetic) The scholarly life, environment, or community.
ACERATEacerate n. (Chemistry) A combination of aceric acid with a salifiable base.
acerate adj. Acerose; needle-shaped; long and pointed.
ACERATE adj. needle-shaped.
ACETATEacetate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of acetic acid.
acetate n. Cellulose acetate.
acetate n. A transparent sheet used for overlays.
ACREAGEacreage n. Size, as measured in acres.
acreage n. An area of land measured in acres.
ACREAGE n. area in acres.
AMESACEAMESACE n. a double ace, the lowest possible throw at dice, also AMBSACE.
ANELACEanelace n. (Historical) A medieval long dagger.
ANELACE n. (archaic) a short two-edged dagger, also ANLACE, ANLAS.
CAKEAGEcakeage n. A fee levied by a restaurant on customers who bring their own cake (such as a birthday cake) rather…
CAKEAGE n. a charge levied in a restaurant for serving cake (such as a birthday cake) brought in from outside the premises.
CAMERAEcamerae n. Plural of camera.
cameræ n. (Rare) plural of camera.
CAMERA n. an apparatus for taking photographs.
CASEASEcasease n. (Biochemistry) An exoenzyme that hydrolyzes casein.
CASEASE n. an enzyme decomposing the casein in milk and cheese.
CASEATEcaseate n. Synonym of caseinate.
caseate n. (Obsolete, chemistry) A salt or ester of caseic acid.
caseate v. (Intransitive, medicine) To undergo necrotic degeneration into a cheese-like state.
CATENAEcatenae n. Plural of catena.
CATENA n. (Latin) a chain or connected series of things, esp. of the patristic comments on Scripture.
CHAETAEchaetae n. Plural of chaeta.
chætæ n. Plural of chæta.
CHAETA n. (Greek) a bristle or seta of seaworms.
EARACHEearache n. (Medicine) A pain in the middle or inner ear.
earache n. (Informal) Annoyance or aggravation caused by noise, especially the sound of someone nagging, complaining…
EARACHE n. a pain in the ear.
TEACAKEteacake n. (Britain) A flat, round bread bun, usually containing currants, sultanas or peel and often served toasted…
teacake n. (US) A traditional cookie.
teacake n. (Australia) A sweet cake, sometimes sprinkled with cinnamon and caster sugar, often served warm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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