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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2A, 2C and E

ACCABLEaccable v. (Transitive, obsolete) To overwhelm; to encumber.
ACCABLE adj. (French) depressed, overwhelmed.
BACCAREbaccare interj. (Obsolete) Stand back! give place!
BACCARE interj. (Shakespeare) back! stand back!, also BACKARE.
BACCATEbaccate adj. (Botany) Pulpy throughout, like a berry; said of fruits.
baccate adj. Looking like a berry.
baccate adj. Producing berries.
CARCAKEcarcake n. A traditional Scottish delicacy, a sort of cake made from the milk of a newly-calved cow mixed with…
CARCAKE n. (Scots) a small cake baked with eggs, eaten on Shrove Tuesday in parts of Scotland.
CARCASEcarcase n. Alternative form of carcass.
CARCASE v. to put a carcase or frame on, also CARCASS.
CASCADEcascade n. A waterfall or series of small waterfalls.
cascade n. (Figuratively) A stream or sequence of a thing or things occurring as if falling like a cascade.
cascade n. A series of electrical (or other types of) components, the output of any one being connected to the…
CASEVACcasevac n. Alternative form of CASEVAC.
casevac v. To perform the emergency evacuation of an injured person or people (civilians or soldiers) from a combat zone.
CASEVAC n. The emergency patient evacuation of injured people (civilians or soldiers) from a combat zone.
CATFACEcatface n. A mark or blemish in wood, plasterwork etc.
catface n. A deformity in tomatoes, of unknown cause, characterized by cracked and misshapen fruit.
CATFACE n. a deformity of fruit.
CICADAEcicadae n. Plural of cicada.
CICADA n. (Latin) a winged insect, also CICALA.
CLOACAEcloacae n. Plural of cloaca.
CLOACA n. (Latin) the terminal part of the gut in birds.
MEDACCAMEDACCA n. (Japanese) a small Japanese fish, also MEDAKA.
SACCADEsaccade n. (Rare) A sudden jerking movement.
saccade n. A rapid jerky movement of the eye (voluntary or involuntary) from one focus to another.
saccade n. The act of checking a horse quickly with a single strong pull of the reins.
SACCATEsaccate adj. Shaped like a pouch or sac.
saccate adj. Having a pouch or sac.
saccate adj. Enclosed in a sac.
VACANCEvacance n. (Obsolete) A vacation.
VACANCE n. the state of being vacant, also VACANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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