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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing 2A, B, O and T

ABACTORabactor n. (Law, obsolete) One who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds or droves; a cattle rustler.
ABACTOR n. (obsolete) a cattle thief.
ABATORSabators n. Plural of abator.
ABATOR n. one who unlawfully seizes an inheritance.
ABLATORablator n. A material that ablates, vaporizes, wears away, burns off, erodes, or abrades.
ABLATOR n. a substance undergoing ablation, e.g. in a heat-shield.
ACROBATacrobat n. An athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination, often as part of a circus performance.
acrobat v. To practise acrobatics.
acrobat v. (Figurative) To move like an acrobat (With agility, balance, long leaps, etc.).
AEROBATaerobat n. One who performs aerobatics.
AEROBAT n. one who performs feats in an aircraft.
AIRBOATairboat n. A flat-bottomed boat driven by an in-air propeller and used in shallow water.
AIRBOAT n. a kind of boat driven by an aircraft propeller.
ATTABOYattaboy interj. (Idiomatic, colloquial) Used to show encouragement or approval to a boy, man, or male animal.
attaboy n. A cry of "attaboy"; an accolade.
atta␣boy interj. Alternative form of attaboy.
BIODATAbiodata n. (Uncountable) Biographical data.
biodata n. (Countable, Asia) A form resembling a curriculum vitae, used by employers to select workers.
BIODATA n. biographical information.
BOATMANboatman n. A man in charge of a small boat.
Boatman prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation for a boatman.
BOATMAN n. a man who works on a boat, also BOATSMAN.
CATBOATcatboat n. A sailing boat with a single sail, usually rigged on a gaff spar, used for fishing in New England and…
CATBOAT n. a kind of small sailboat.
DAYBOATdayboat n. A daysailer.
DAYBOAT n. a small pleasure boat with no sleeping accommodation.
RABATOSrabatos n. Plural of rabato.
RABATO n. (Shakespeare) a stiff collar or support for a ruff, also REBATO.
ROBATASrobatas n. Plural of robata.
ROBATA n. (Japanese) a grill used for Japanese cooking.
SABATONsabaton n. (Historical) A mediaeval armour (usually steel) covering for the foot; a flexible armour shoe.
SABATON n. (historical) a foot-covering as part of suit of armour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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