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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 2A, B and 2N

ABANDONabandon v. (Transitive) To give up or relinquish control of, to surrender or to give oneself over, or to yield…
abandon v. (Transitive) To desist in doing, practicing, following, holding, or adhering to; to turn away from;…
abandon v. (Transitive) To leave behind; to desert, as in a ship, a position, or a person, typically in response…
BANANASbananas n. Plural of banana.
bananas adj. Crazy, mad, nuts.
BANANAs n. Plural of BANANA.
BANDANAbandana n. A large kerchief, usually colourful and used either as headgear or as a handkerchief, neckerchief, bikini…
bandana n. A style of calico printing, in which white or bright spots are produced upon cloth previously dyed a…
BANDANA n. (Hindi) a large coloured handkerchief or headscarf, also BANDANNA.
BANIANSbanians n. Plural of banian.
BANIAN n. (Hindi) a Hindu trader.
BANYANSbanyans n. Plural of banyan.
BANYAN n. (Hindi) an Indian fig tree with vast spreading branches; a Hindu trader, also BANIA, BANIAN.
BONANZAbonanza n. (Mining) A rich mine or vein of silver or gold.
bonanza n. The point at which two mother lodes intersect.
bonanza n. (By extension, figurative) Anything which is a great source of wealth or yields a large income or return.
CANBANKCANBANK n. the equivalent of a bottle bank for cans.
KANBANSkanbans n. Plural of kanban.
KANBAN n. (Japanese) an industrial system based on the use of cards to regulate the stages of a manufacturing process and control costs.
MANBANDMANBAND n. an all-male vocal pop group which was formed as a boy band, but whose members have reached maturity.
RABANNArabanna n. A raffia fabric of Madagascar.
RABANNA n. (Malagasy) a kind of raffia fabric.
WANNABEwannabe n. (Informal, derogatory, often attributive) Someone who wishes to be or do something, but lacks the qualifications…
wannabe n. (Informal, derogatory) Someone who wishes to be part of, or to assimilate to, a majority group of which…
WANNABE n. someone who tries to be associated with an admired person or set of people, also WANNABEE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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