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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2A, B, C and T

ABACTORabactor n. (Law, obsolete) One who steals and drives away cattle or beasts by herds or droves; a cattle rustler.
ABACTOR n. (obsolete) a cattle thief.
ABREACTabreact v. (Transitive, psychoanalysis) To eliminate previously repressed emotions by reliving past experiences.
ABREACT v. to resolve a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ACROBATacrobat n. An athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination, often as part of a circus performance.
acrobat v. To practise acrobatics.
acrobat v. (Figurative) To move like an acrobat (With agility, balance, long leaps, etc.).
ACTABLEactable adj. Able to be acted, as by an actor.
ACTABLE adj. suitable for performance on the stage.
AMBATCHambatch n. A large shrub or small tree found in and around water in the African tropics, Aeschynomene elaphroxylon…
ambatch n. (Countable) A raft made from bundles of the stems of this plant.
AMBATCH n. (Ethiopian) a spongy wood, often used for rafts, also AMBACH.
BACCATEbaccate adj. (Botany) Pulpy throughout, like a berry; said of fruits.
baccate adj. Looking like a berry.
baccate adj. Producing berries.
BACHATAbachata n. A genre of music originating in the Dominican Republic.
bachata n. A style of dance accompanying this music.
BACHATA n. (Spanish) a type of Latin American music played with guitar and percussion; a dance performed to this music.
BACKFATbackfat n. Fat of the back, especially of pigs.
BACKFAT n. the layer of fat between the skin and muscle in animals.
BEARCATbearcat n. Any member of diverse species of the order Carnivora…
bear␣cat n. A binturong (Arctictis binturong, in the family Viverridae).
bear␣cat n. (US, slang, now rare) An excellent or formidable thing or person.
CABARETcabaret n. Live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub; the genre of music associated with this form of…
cabaret n. The nightclub or restaurant where such entertainment is held.
cabaret n. (Philippines) A strip club.
CATAWBAcatawba n. The catawba grape, a cultivar of North American Vitis labrusca.
catawba n. A light sparkling wine made from this kind of grape.
catawba n. Any of various species of America catalpa trees Catalpa especially (Catalpa bignonioides (southern catalpa)…
CATBOATcatboat n. A sailing boat with a single sail, usually rigged on a gaff spar, used for fishing in New England and…
CATBOAT n. a kind of small sailboat.
CATTABUcattabu n. An animal that is a cross between the zebu and American cattle.
CATTABU n. a cross between domestic cattle and zebu.
FATBACKfatback n. (US) A layer of fat, along the back of a pig, used as a cut of meat or to make lard.
fatback n. A fish, the menhaden.
FATBACK n. a dried strip of fat from the back of a hog.
TAMBACSTAMBAC n. (Malay) an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAK, TOMBACK, TOMBAK.
TAXICABtaxicab n. A vehicle that passengers hire to take them between locations of their choice, the fare being calculated…
taxicab v. (Intransitive) To travel by taxicab.
TAXICAB n. automobile for hire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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