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There are 11 seven-letter words containing 3A, G and R

AGRAPHAagrapha n. Plural of agraphon.
AGRAPHON n. (Greek) a saying of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels.
ANAGRAManagram n. (Of words) A word or phrase that is created by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
anagram v. To form anagrams.
ANAGRAM n. a word or phrase formed by the letters of another in different order.
ANGARIAangaria n. Alternative form of angary.
Angaria prop.n. Alternative form of Angria.
ANGARIA n. the legal right of a belligerent to seize, use, or destroy the property of a neutral, provided that full compensation is made, also ANGARY.
ARGALASargalas n. Plural of argala.
ARGALA n. (Hindi) the adjutant stork of India.
GUARANAguarana n. A tree, Paullinia cupana, native to Venezuela and northern Brazil.
guarana n. The fruit from this tree.
guarana n. An edible paste prepared from the seeds of the tree, formed into round or oblong cakes.
KARANGAkaranga n. In Māori culture, an exchange of calls that forms part of the pōhiri.
Karanga prop.n. A Maban language spoken in Chad.
Karanga prop.n. A dialect of the Shona language of Zimbabwe.
NGARARANGARARA n. (Maori) a lizard found in New Zealand.
NIAGARANiagara prop.n. A river (the Niagara River) which flows from Lake Erie, over Niagara Falls into Lake Ontario; the geographical…
Niagara prop.n. A ghost town in British Columbia, Canada.
Niagara prop.n. A regional municipality on the Niagara Peninsula, southern Ontario, Canada, colloquially known as the Niagara Region.
PARGANApargana n. (India) An administrative unit of India, consisting of a number of villages. Since Indian independence…
PARGANA n. (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India, also PERGUNNAH.
SAGRADASAGRADA adj. (Spanish) as in cascara sagrada, dried bark of the cascara buckthorn, used as a purgative.
TANAGRATanagra prop.n. A city in southeastern Viotia prefecture Greece.
Tanagra n. (Often attributive) A style of terracotta statuary from the 5th to 3rd centuries BCE.
Tanagra prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Thraupidae – synonymized with Tangara, some of the tanagers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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