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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 3A, C and L

ACAUDALacaudal adj. Acaudate.
ACAUDAL adj. tailless, also ACAUDATE.
ALCAZARalcazar n. Any Moorish fortress in Spain.
Alcazar prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ALCAZAR n. (Arabic) a Spanish fortress or palace.
ALMANACalmanac n. (Astronomy, navigation) A book or table listing nautical, astronomical, astrological or other events…
almanac n. A handbook, typically published annually, containing information on a particular subject.
almanac n. A GPS signal consisting of coarse orbit and status information for each satellite in the constellation.
ALPACASalpacas n. Plural of alpaca.
ALPACA n. a domestic animal related to the llama.
ALPACCAALPACCA n. a type of nickel silver used in jewellery.
BACALAObacalao n. Alternative spelling of bacalhau.
BACALAO n. (Spanish) salted cod, also BACALHAU, BACCALA.
BACCALABACCALA n. (Spanish) salted cod, also BACALAO, BACALHAU.
BACLAVAbaclava n. Alternative form of baklava.
BACLAVA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern dessert, also BAKLAVA, BAKLAWA.
CABALAScabalas prop.n. Plural of cabala.
CABALA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABBALA, CABBALAH, KABALA, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH.
CABBALAcabbala prop.n. Alternative spelling of Kabballah.
CABBALA n. (Hebrew) a Jewish doctrine based on hidden meanings in sacred texts, also CABALA, CABBALAH, KABALA, KABBALA, KABBALAH, QABALA, QABALAH.
CALAMARcalamar n. (Dated) A squid.
CALAMAR n. any of various species of squid, also CALAMARI, CALAMARY.
CANTALAcantala n. Cebu maguey; a fiber from the leaves of Agave cantala.
CANTALA n. a coarse fibre used in making strong thread or twine.
CARACALcaracal n. A type of cat native to Southern Africa, West Asia, and parts of Central and South Asia, Caracal caracal.
Caracal prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Felidae – the caracals.
CARACAL n. (Turkish) the desert lynx of North Africa and South Asia.
CATALPAcatalpa n. Any tree of the genus Catalpa, in the family Bignoniaceae. The two North American species, the southern…
Catalpa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bignoniaceae – the catawbas, flowering trees of warm temperate climates.
CATALPA n. a tree of the genus Catalpa, of the bignonia family, with heart-shaped leaves, trumpet-shaped flowers, and long pods.
CAVALLAcavalla n. Any of several fishes in the families Carangidae and Scombridae.
CAVALLA n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLY.
CHALAZAchalaza n. (Botany) The location where the nucellus attaches to the integuments, opposite the micropyle.
chalaza n. (Zoology) One of the two spiral bands which attach the yolk of an egg to the eggshell, suspending it in the white.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
HALACHAhalacha n. Alternative letter-case form of Halacha.
Halacha n. A law or tradition by which Jews live. They are derived from the Torah and from later rabbinic literature.
Halacha n. A law or tradition established by the Halacha.
MALACCAMalacca prop.n. A state in western Malaysia.
Malacca prop.n. The capital city of Malacca State, Malaysia.
Malacca prop.n. Short for Strait of Malacca.
MALACIAmalacia n. (Medicine, pathology) Abnormal softening of organs or tissues of the human body.
malacia n. (Medicine, obsolete) An abnormal craving for certain types of food.
MALACIA n. (Greek) a pathological softening of tissue.
MANCALAmancala n. (Board games) Any of various board games, common throughout Africa and Asia, in which a move consists…
MANCALA n. (Arabic) a variety of board games.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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