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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 3A, B and R

ABFARADabfarad n. (Dated, electronics) A unit of capacitance equal to one billion (109) farads, used in the centimeter-gram-second…
ABFARAD n. a unit of capacitance, the ability to store an electric charge.
ABRASAXAbrasax prop.n. (Historical) A theonym of unclear signification, commonly invoked as a magic word on amulets, talismans…
Abrasax n. (Historical) A gem engraved with the word Abrasax or Abraxas.
ABRASAX n. a mystic word, also ABRAXAS.
ABRAXASabraxas n. (Gnosticism, historical) A transcription of Abrasax.
Abraxas prop.n. Alternative form of Abrasax (archon).
Abraxas prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geometridae – the magpie moths.
ARABICAarabica n. A species of coffee plant, Coffea arabica, native to Ethiopia.
arabica n. The bean of this plant.
arabica n. Coffee made from these coffee beans.
ARAROBAararoba n. Goa powder.
ARAROBA n. (Tupi) a Brazilian tree; a bitter yellow powder, Goa powder, obtained from it and used as a purgative.
BACCARAbaccara n. Alternative form of baccarat (“French card game”).
BACCARA n. (French) a French card game, also BACCARAT.
BARACANbaracan n. Alternative form of barracan.
BARACAN n. (French) a coarsely woven fabric of wool, silk, and goat's hair, also BARRACAN.
BARAZASbarazas n. Plural of baraza.
BARAZA n. (Swahili) in East Africa, a public meeting-place.
BAZAARSbazaars n. Plural of bazaar.
BAZAAR n. (Persian) an Eastern marketplace, also BAZAR.
BRAATASBRAATAS n. (Spanish) a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATA, BROUGHTA, BROUGHTAS.
CARABAOcarabao n. A domesticated subspecies of water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis carabanesis.
CARABAO n. a water buffalo.
CARAMBAcaramba interj. (Non-vulgar) Exclamation of surprise or dismay.; golly!
CARAMBA interj. (Spanish) used to express dismay or surprise.
PALABRApalabra n. (Poetic, rare) A word; idle talk.
PALABRA n. (Spanish) a word, talk.
RABANNArabanna n. A raffia fabric of Madagascar.
RABANNA n. (Malagasy) a kind of raffia fabric.
RABASKARABASKA n. (Native American) a large canoe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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