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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, S, 2T and U

ASTRUTastrut adv. (Archaic) Sticking out, or puffed out; swelling.
astrut adv. (Archaic) In a strutting manner; with a strutting gait.
ASTRUT adv. (archaic) in a protruding or distended manner.
ASTUTEastute adj. Quickly and critically discerning.
astute adj. Shrewd or crafty.
ASTUTE adj. shrewd and perceptive.
AUTISTautist n. An autistic person, a person with autism.
autist n. (Internet slang, offensive, derogatory, often self-deprecating) A person characterized by abnormal and…
AUTIST n. one who suffers from autism.
GUTTASguttas n. Plural of gutta.
GUTTA n. latex, also GUTTY.
OUTSAToutsat v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsit.
OUTSIT v. to sit longer than.
STATUAstatua n. (Now rare, archaic) A statue.
STATUA n. (obsolete) a statue.
STATUEstatue n. A three-dimensional work of art, usually representing a person or animal, usually created by sculpting…
statue n. (Dated) A portrait.
statue v. (Transitive) To form a statue of; to make into a statue.
STATUSstatus n. A person’s condition, position or standing relative to that of others.
status n. Prestige or high standing.
status n. A situation or state of affairs.
SUTTASsuttas n. Plural of sutta.
SUTTA n. (Pali) a precept; an aphorism; a brief rule, also SUTRA.
TATOUStatous n. Plural of tatou.
TATOU n. (French) an armadillo, esp. the giant armadillo.
TAUNTStaunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of taunt.
taunts n. Plural of taunt.
Taunts prop.n. Plural of Taunt.
TUARTStuarts n. Plural of tuart.
TUART n. (Native Australian) a strong-timbered eucalyptus, also TEWART, TOOART.
TUATHStuaths n. Plural of tuath.
TUATH n. (Irish) a tribe, people.
TUTSANtutsan n. Hypericum androsaemum, a Eurasian perennial shrub.
TUTSAN n. any of several plants credited with healing properties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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