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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, R, 2S and U

ASSUREassure v. (Transitive) To make sure and secure; ensure.
assure v. (Transitive, followed by that or of) To give (someone) confidence in the trustworthiness of (something).
assure v. (Obsolete) To guarantee, promise (to do something).
ASURASasuras n. Plural of asura.
Asuras n. Plural of Asura.
ASURA n. (Sanskrit) a Hindu demon.
BURSASbursas n. Plural of bursa.
BURSA n. (Latin) a pouch or sac, esp. one containing viscid lubricating fluid at points of friction.
HUSSARhussar n. (Historical) A member of the national cavalry of Hungary, Croatia and Poland.
hussar n. A member of the light cavalry of any of several European armies.
Hussar prop.n. A village in Alberta, Canada.
MUSARSmusars n. Plural of musar.
MUSAR n. (Yiddish) Rabbinic literature concerned with ethics, right conduct etc.
RUSMASRUSMA n. (Turkish) a depilatory made of orpiment and quicklime, used by the Turks.
RUSSIARussia prop.n. A country in Eastern Europe and North Asia, bordering on the Pacific and Arctic Oceans and the Baltic…
Russia prop.n. (Historical, loosely) The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (a very common name, although more formally…
Russia prop.n. (Historical) The Russian Empire; the tsarist empire in Russia lasting from 1721 to 1917.
SARGUSSargus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Stratiomyidae – soldier flies.
Sargus prop.n. Synonym of Diplodus (Sparidae).
SARGUS n. (Spanish) a fish, sea-bream, also SARGO, SARGOS.
SCAURSscaurs n. Plural of scaur.
SCAUR v. (Scots) to scare, also SCARRE.
SHURASshuras n. Plural of shura.
SHURA n. (Arabic) the Islamic principle of (rule by) consultation; an Islamic consultative council, also SHOORA.
SUGARSsugars n. Plural of sugar.
sugars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sugar.
Sugars prop.n. Plural of Sugar.
SURAHSsurahs n. Plural of surah.
SURAH n. (Arabic) a chapter of the Koran, also SURA.
SURATSsurats n. Plural of surat.
Surats n. Plural of Surat.
SURAT n. (Hindi) a coarse uncoloured cotton.
SURRASSURRA n. (Marathi) a trypanosome disease of the blood in horses.
SUTRASsutras n. Plural of sutra.
Sutras n. Plural of Sutra.
sūtras n. Plural of sūtra.
TARSUStarsus n. (Anatomy, zootomy) The part between the main part of the hindlimb and the metatarsus in terrestrial vertebrates.
tarsus n. (Anatomy) A plate of dense connective tissue found in each eyelid, attached to either the superior tarsal…
Tarsus prop.n. A city in Mersin, Turkey, in Cilicia (Çukurova), near the Mediterranean coast.
TUSSARtussar n. A deep gold-coloured silk produced from larvae of several species of silk worms belonging to the moth genus Antheraea.
tussar n. Any of the moth species used to produce tussar silk.
TUSSAR n. (Hindi) a fawn-coloured silk made from wild Indian silkworms, also TASAR, TUSSAH, TUSSEH, TUSSER, TUSSOR, TUSSORE, TUSSUR.
URASESURASE n. an enzyme that converts urea to a salt, also UREASE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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