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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, O, R, S and Y

ARGOSYargosy n. A merchant ship.
argosy n. A merchant flotilla, fleet.
argosy n. An abundant supply, boatload.
BOYARSboyars n. Plural of boyar.
BOYAR n. (Russian) a member of the old Russian aristocracy, abolished by Peter the Great, also BOYARD.
FORAYSforays n. Plural of foray.
forays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foray.
FORAY v. to make a raid.
FORSAYforsay v. (Archaic) to forbid; to renounce.
forsay v. (Archaic) to deny, gainsay.
forsay v. (Archaic) to forsake.
MAYORSmayors n. Plural of mayor.
MAYOR n. the chief executive official of a city or borough.
MORAYSmorays n. Plural of moray.
MORAY n. a kind of eel, also MURRAY, MURREY, MURRY.
PAYORSpayors n. Plural of payor.
PAYOR n. one who pays, also PAYER.
RAYONSrayons n. Plural of rayon.
Rayons prop.n. Plural of Rayon.
RAYON n. a synthetic fibre.
ROSARYrosary n. Prayer beads, a string of beads used to keep track of repetitions in prayer, particularly in the Roman…
rosary n. A Roman Catholic devotion involving the repetition of a series of Marian prayers, usually 5, 15, or…
rosary n. (By extension) A series or collection of thoughts, literary pieces, etc. intended for similar contemplation.
ROYALSroyals n. Plural of royal.
Royals n. Plural of Royal.
Royals prop.n. A surname.
SAVORYsavory adj. Tasty, attractive to the palate.
savory adj. Salty and/or spicy, but not sweet.
savory adj. Umami, modern.
YARCOSyarcos n. Plural of yarco.
YARCO n. (Australian slang) a young working-class person who wears casual sports clothes.
YARTOSYARTO n. heart, used as term of endearment in the Shetlands, also JARTA, YARTA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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