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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 6 six-letter words containing A, O, P and 2R

PARLORparlor n. The living room of a house, or a room for entertaining guests; a room for talking; a sitting-room or drawing room.
parlor n. (Archaic) The apartment in a monastery or nunnery where the residents are permitted to meet and converse…
parlor n. (Archaic) A comfortable room in a public house.
PAROREPARORE n. (Maori) a type of fish found around New Zealand and Australia.
PARROTparrot n. A kind of bird, many species of which are colorful and able to mimic human speech, of the order Psittaciformes…
parrot n. (Figurative) A parroter; a person who repeats the words or ideas of others.
parrot n. (Archaic) A puffin.
PROWARprowar adj. Supporting war.
pro-war adj. In favour of a military solution to a political problem.
PROWAR adj. favouring war.
RAPTORraptor n. A bird of prey.
raptor n. (Obsolete) One who ravishes or plunders.
raptor n. (Informal, paleontology) One of the dromaeosaurs, a family of carnivorous dinosaurs having tearing claws…
UPROARuproar n. Tumultuous, noisy excitement.
uproar n. Loud, confused noise, especially when coming from several sources.
uproar n. A loud protest, controversy, or outrage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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